cellVertices | Vertices of a bounded cell |
cellVolume | Volume of a bounded Voronoï cell |
centricCuboctahedron | Centric cuboctahedron |
delaunay | Delaunay triangulation |
Edge2 | R6 class representing an edge in dimension 2. |
Edge3 | R6 class representing an edge in dimension 3. |
getDelaunaySimplices | Delaunay simplices |
getDelaunaySimplicies | Delaunay simplices |
IEdge2 | R6 class representing a semi-infinite edge in dimension 2 |
IEdge3 | R6 class representing a semi-infinite edge in dimension 3 |
isBoundedCell | Is this cell bounded? |
keys | Objects imported from other packages |
plotBoundedCell2D | Plot a bounded Voronoï 2D cell |
plotBoundedCell3D | Plot a bounded Voronoï 3D cell |
plotDelaunay2D | Plot 2D Delaunay tessellation |
plotDelaunay3D | Plot 3D Delaunay tessellation |
plotVoronoiDiagram | Plot Voronoï diagram |
surface | Tessellation surface |
teapot | Utah teapot |
tessellation-imports | Objects imported from other packages |
values | Objects imported from other packages |
volume | Tessellation volume |
voronoi | Voronoï tessellation |