Landscape Visualizations in R and 'Unity'

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Documentation for package ‘terrainr’ version 0.7.5

Help Pages

addbuff Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
add_bbox_buffer Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
add_bbox_buffer.Raster Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
add_bbox_buffer.sf Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
add_bbox_buffer.SpatRaster Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
combine_overlays Combine multiple image overlays into a single file
geom_spatial_rgb Plot RGB rasters in ggplot2
georeference_overlay Georeference image overlays based on a reference raster
get_tiles A user-friendly way to get USGS National Map data tiles for an area
get_tiles.list A user-friendly way to get USGS National Map data tiles for an area
get_tiles.Raster A user-friendly way to get USGS National Map data tiles for an area
get_tiles.sf A user-friendly way to get USGS National Map data tiles for an area
get_tiles.sfc A user-friendly way to get USGS National Map data tiles for an area
get_tiles.SpatRaster A user-friendly way to get USGS National Map data tiles for an area
make_manifest Transform rasters and write manifest file for import into Unity
make_unity Initialize terrain inside of a Unity project.
merge_rasters Merge multiple raster files into a single raster
raster_to_raw_tiles Crop a raster and convert the output tiles into new formats.
set_bbox_side_length Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
set_bbox_side_length.Raster Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
set_bbox_side_length.sf Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
set_bbox_side_length.SpatRaster Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
StatSpatialRGB Plot RGB rasters in ggplot2
stat_spatial_rgb Plot RGB rasters in ggplot2
transform_elevation Transform rasters and write manifest file for import into Unity
transform_overlay Transform rasters and write manifest file for import into Unity
vector_to_overlay Turn spatial vector data into an image overlay