g_km {tern} | R Documentation |
Kaplan-Meier plot
From a survival model, a graphic is rendered along with tabulated annotation
including the number of patient at risk at given time and the median survival
per group.
control_surv = control_surv_timepoint(),
col = NULL,
lty = NULL,
lwd = 0.5,
censor_show = TRUE,
pch = 3,
size = 2,
max_time = NULL,
xticks = NULL,
xlab = "Days",
yval = c("Survival", "Failure"),
ylab = paste(yval, "Probability"),
ylim = NULL,
title = NULL,
footnotes = NULL,
font_size = 10,
ci_ribbon = FALSE,
annot_at_risk = TRUE,
annot_at_risk_title = TRUE,
annot_surv_med = TRUE,
annot_coxph = FALSE,
annot_stats = NULL,
annot_stats_vlines = FALSE,
control_coxph_pw = control_coxph(),
ref_group_coxph = NULL,
control_annot_surv_med = control_surv_med_annot(),
control_annot_coxph = control_coxph_annot(),
legend_pos = NULL,
rel_height_plot = 0.75,
ggtheme = NULL,
as_list = FALSE,
draw = lifecycle::deprecated(),
newpage = lifecycle::deprecated(),
gp = lifecycle::deprecated(),
vp = lifecycle::deprecated(),
name = lifecycle::deprecated(),
annot_coxph_ref_lbls = lifecycle::deprecated(),
position_coxph = lifecycle::deprecated(),
position_surv_med = lifecycle::deprecated(),
width_annots = lifecycle::deprecated()
df |
(data.frame ) data set containing all analysis variables.
variables |
(named list ) variable names. Details are:
tte (numeric ) variable indicating time-to-event duration values.
is_event (logical ) event variable. TRUE if event, FALSE if time to event is censored.
arm (factor ) the treatment group variable.
strata (character or NULL ) variable names indicating stratification factors.
control_surv |
(list ) parameters for comparison details, specified by using
the helper function control_surv_timepoint() . Some possible parameter options are:
conf_level (proportion ) confidence level of the interval for survival rate.
conf_type (string ) "plain" (default), "log" , "log-log" for confidence interval type,
see more in survival::survfit() . Note that the option "none" is no longer supported.
col |
(character ) lines colors. Length of a vector should be equal
to number of strata from survival::survfit() .
lty |
(numeric ) line type. If a vector is given, its length should be equal to the number of strata from
survival::survfit() .
lwd |
(numeric ) line width. If a vector is given, its length should be equal to the number of strata from
survival::survfit() .
censor_show |
(flag ) whether to show censored observations.
pch |
(string ) name of symbol or character to use as point symbol to indicate censored cases.
size |
(numeric(1) ) size of censored point symbols.
max_time |
(numeric(1) ) maximum value to show on x-axis. Only data values less than or up to
this threshold value will be plotted (defaults to NULL ).
xticks |
(numeric or NULL ) numeric vector of tick positions or a single number with spacing
between ticks on the x-axis. If NULL (default), labeling::extended() is used to determine
optimal tick positions on the x-axis.
xlab |
(string ) x-axis label.
yval |
(string ) type of plot, to be plotted on the y-axis. Options are Survival (default) and Failure
ylab |
(string ) y-axis label.
ylim |
(numeric(2) ) vector containing lower and upper limits for the y-axis, respectively.
If NULL (default), the default scale range is used.
title |
(string ) plot title.
(string ) plot footnotes.
font_size |
(numeric(1) ) font size to use for all text.
ci_ribbon |
(flag ) whether the confidence interval should be drawn around the Kaplan-Meier curve.
annot_at_risk |
(flag ) compute and add the annotation table reporting the number of patient at risk
matching the main grid of the Kaplan-Meier curve.
annot_at_risk_title |
(flag ) whether the "Patients at Risk" title should be added above the annot_at_risk
table. Has no effect if annot_at_risk is FALSE . Defaults to TRUE .
annot_surv_med |
(flag ) compute and add the annotation table on the Kaplan-Meier curve estimating the
median survival time per group.
annot_coxph |
(flag ) whether to add the annotation table from a survival::coxph() model.
annot_stats |
(string or NULL ) statistics annotations to add to the plot. Options are
median (median survival follow-up time) and min (minimum survival follow-up time).
annot_stats_vlines |
(flag ) add vertical lines corresponding to each of the statistics
specified by annot_stats . If annot_stats is NULL no lines will be added.
control_coxph_pw |
(list ) parameters for comparison details, specified using the helper function
control_coxph() . Some possible parameter options are:
pval_method (string ) p-value method for testing hazard ratio = 1.
Default method is "log-rank" , can also be set to "wald" or "likelihood" .
ties (string ) method for tie handling. Default is "efron" ,
can also be set to "breslow" or "exact" . See more in survival::coxph()
conf_level (proportion ) confidence level of the interval for HR.
ref_group_coxph |
(string or NULL ) level of arm variable to use as reference group in calculations for
annot_coxph table. If NULL (default), uses the first level of the arm variable.
control_annot_surv_med |
(list ) parameters to control the position and size of the annotation table added
to the plot when annot_surv_med = TRUE , specified using the control_surv_med_annot() function. Parameter
options are: x , y , w , h , and fill . See control_surv_med_annot() for details.
control_annot_coxph |
(list ) parameters to control the position and size of the annotation table added
to the plot when annot_coxph = TRUE , specified using the control_coxph_annot() function. Parameter
options are: x , y , w , h , fill , and ref_lbls . See control_coxph_annot() for details.
legend_pos |
(numeric(2) or NULL ) vector containing x- and y-coordinates, respectively, for the legend
position relative to the KM plot area. If NULL (default), the legend is positioned in the bottom right corner of
the plot, or the middle right of the plot if needed to prevent overlapping.
rel_height_plot |
(proportion ) proportion of total figure height to allocate to the Kaplan-Meier plot.
Relative height of patients at risk table is then 1 - rel_height_plot . If annot_at_risk = FALSE or
as_list = TRUE , this parameter is ignored.
ggtheme |
(theme ) a graphical theme as provided by ggplot2 to format the Kaplan-Meier plot.
as_list |
(flag ) whether the two ggplot objects should be returned as a list when annot_at_risk = TRUE .
If TRUE , a named list with two elements, plot and table , will be returned. If FALSE (default) the patients
at risk table is printed below the plot via cowplot::plot_grid() .
draw |
This function no longer generates grob objects.
newpage |
This function no longer generates grob objects.
gp |
This function no longer generates grob objects.
vp |
This function no longer generates grob objects.
name |
This function no longer generates grob objects.
annot_coxph_ref_lbls |
Please use the ref_lbls element of
control_annot_coxph instead.
position_coxph |
Please use the x and y elements of
control_annot_coxph instead.
position_surv_med |
Please use the x and y elements of
control_annot_surv_med instead.
width_annots |
Please use the w element of control_annot_surv_med
(for surv_med ) and control_annot_coxph (for coxph )."
A ggplot
Kaplan-Meier plot and (optionally) summary table.
df <- tern_ex_adtte %>%
filter(PARAMCD == "OS") %>%
mutate(is_event = CNSR == 0)
variables <- list(tte = "AVAL", is_event = "is_event", arm = "ARMCD")
# Basic examples
g_km(df = df, variables = variables)
g_km(df = df, variables = variables, yval = "Failure")
# Examples with customization parameters applied
df = df,
variables = variables,
control_surv = control_surv_timepoint(conf_level = 0.9),
col = c("grey25", "grey50", "grey75"),
annot_at_risk_title = FALSE,
lty = 1:3,
font_size = 8
df = df,
variables = variables,
annot_stats = c("min", "median"),
annot_stats_vlines = TRUE,
max_time = 3000,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_minimal()
# Example with pairwise Cox-PH analysis annotation table, adjusted annotation tables
df = df, variables = variables,
annot_coxph = TRUE,
control_coxph = control_coxph(pval_method = "wald", ties = "exact", conf_level = 0.99),
control_annot_coxph = control_coxph_annot(x = 0.26, w = 0.35),
control_annot_surv_med = control_surv_med_annot(x = 0.8, y = 0.9, w = 0.35)
tern version 0.9.5