fish {telemetR} | R Documentation |
Fish Data
An example dataset of real fish tagged with acoustic telemetry tags and released within the California Central Valley in 2021 and 2022.
## 'fish' A data frame with 7,240 rows and 60 columns:
- fish_type
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
- TagCode
The hexadecimal code of the implanted acoustic tag
- Release_Date
The release date and time of the fish
- release_location
The coded name of the release site
- length
The length of the fish in millimeters
- weight
The weight of the fish in grams
- tag_weight
The weight of the implanted acoustic tag
- tag_model
The model number of the implanted acoustic tag
The pulse rate interval (time between transmissions) of the implanted tag, as reported by the manufacturer
- TagLife
The expected number of days the tag should continue to transmit, as reported by the manufacturer