filtered_detections {telemetR} | R Documentation |
Example Completely Filtered Detection Data
An example dataset of real acoustic telemetry detections of fish at several receivers within the California Central Valley from 2021. These detections have already been been processed using 'prefilter()' and 'add_org()'.
## 'filtered_detections' A data frame with 41,000 rows and 26 columns:
- ReceiverSN
The serial number of the detecting receiver
- DateTime_Local
the local time of the detection (tz = America/Los_Angeles)
- Tag_Code
The hexadecimal acoustic tag ID code
- CheckMBP
A calculated field from the prefilter checking the time between acoustic transmissions from the same tag was >0.3secs
- TagInFile
A calculated field from the add_fish filter which queries whether the tag code of the detection is associated with an organism.
- fish_type
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
- org_release_Date
The release date and time of the fish
- release_location
The coded name of the release site
- length
The length of the fish in millimeters
- weight
The weight of the fish in grams
- tag_weight
The weight of the implanted acoustic tag
- tag_model
The model number of the implanted acoustic tag
- tag_pulse_rate_interval_nominal
The pulse rate interval (time between transmissions) of the implanted tag, as reported by the manufacturer
- tag_life
The expected number of days the tag should continue to transmit, as reported by the manufacturer
- CheckDT
A calculated field which checks whether the detection occurred after the release of the fish
- CheckBattLife
A calculated field which checks whether the detection occurred before the tag battery is expected to expire (2x tag life)
- dep_id
A unique id is created for each receiver deployment
- Make
The brand of the acoustic receiver
- latitude
The decimal degree latitude (WGS1984) of the acoustic receiver at deployment
- longitude
The decimal degree longitude (WGS1984) of the acoustic receiver at deployment
- receiver_location
The site name of an individual receiver, often more than one 'receiver_location' is found at a 'receiver_general_location'
- receiver_general_location
The more general geographic name of the location of the receiver
- receiver_river_km
The number of river kilometers the receiver is from the Golden Gate Bridge
- receiver_start
The start time of the reciever (generally when it was deployed)
- receiver_end
The end time of the receiver (generally when it was retrieved)
Data collected by the California Department of Water Resources 2021