! |
Combining filters |
!.BaseFilter |
Combining filters |
& |
Combining filters |
&.BaseFilter |
Combining filters |
+.TelegramObject |
Constructing an Updater |
add |
Constructing an Updater |
add_error_handler |
Add an error handler |
add_handler |
Add a handler |
answerCallbackQuery |
Send answers to callback queries |
answerInlineQuery |
Send answers to an inline query |
as.BaseFilter |
The base of all filters |
BaseFilter |
The base of all filters |
Bot |
Creating a Bot |
bot_token |
Get a token from environment |
CallbackQueryHandler |
Handling callback queries |
check_update |
Check an update |
clean_updates |
Clean any pending updates |
CommandHandler |
Handling commands |
deleteMessage |
Delete a message |
deleteWebhook |
Remove webhook integration |
Dispatcher |
The dispatcher of all updates |
editMessageCaption |
Edit a caption |
editMessageReplyMarkup |
Edit a reply markup |
editMessageText |
Edit a text message |
effective_chat |
Get the effective chat |
effective_message |
Get the effective message |
effective_user |
Get the effective user |
ErrorHandler |
Handling errors |
filtersLogic |
Combining filters |
ForceReply |
Display a reply |
forwardMessage |
Forward messages of any kind |
from_chat_id |
Get an update's chat ID |
from_user_id |
Get an update's user ID |
getFile |
Prepare a file for downloading |
getMe |
Check your bot's information |
getUpdates |
Receive incoming updates |
getUserProfilePhotos |
Get a user's profile photos |
getWebhookInfo |
Get current webhook status |
Handler |
The base of all handlers |
handle_update |
Handle an update |
InlineKeyboardButton |
Create an inline keyboard button |
InlineKeyboardMarkup |
Create an inline keyboard markup |
InlineQueryResult |
The base of inline query results |
is.BaseFilter |
The base of all filters |
is.Bot |
Creating a Bot |
is.Dispatcher |
The dispatcher of all updates |
is.ErrorHandler |
Handling errors |
is.Handler |
The base of all handlers |
is.InlineKeyboardButton |
Create an inline keyboard button |
is.InlineQueryResult |
The base of inline query results |
is.KeyboardButton |
Create a keyboard button |
is.TelegramObject |
The base of telegram.bot objects |
is.Update |
Represent an update |
is.Updater |
Building a Telegram Bot with Update Polling |
is.Webhook |
Building a Telegram Bot with a Webhook |
KeyboardButton |
Create a keyboard button |
leaveChat |
Leave a chat |
MessageFilters |
Filter message updates |
MessageHandler |
Handling messages |
ReplyKeyboardMarkup |
Create a keyboard markup |
ReplyKeyboardRemove |
Remove a keyboard |
running |
Retrieve the status of the Webhook. |
sendAnimation |
Send animation files |
sendAudio |
Send audio files |
sendChatAction |
Send a chat action |
sendDocument |
Send general files |
sendLocation |
Send point on the map |
sendMessage |
Send text messages |
sendPhoto |
Send image files |
sendSticker |
Send a sticker |
sendVideo |
Send a video |
sendVideoNote |
Send video messages |
sendVoice |
Send voice files |
setWebhook |
Set a webhook |
set_token |
Change your bot's auth token |
start_polling |
Start polling |
start_server |
Start the webhook server. |
stop_polling |
Stop polling |
stop_server |
Stop the webhook server. |
TelegramObject |
The base of telegram.bot objects |
Update |
Represent an update |
Updater |
Building a Telegram Bot with Update Polling |
user_id |
Get a user from environment |
Webhook |
Building a Telegram Bot with a Webhook |
| |
Combining filters |
|.BaseFilter |
Combining filters |