Estimation and Prediction for Remote Effects Spatial Process Models

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Documentation for package ‘telefit’ version 1.0.3

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abind3 Convenience function for stacking matrices into an array.
arrayToLong Reshape array of data matrices into long format
cca.predict Make predictions using canonical correlation analysis (CCA)
coef.stFit Compute point estimates for parameters from posterior samples
coef.stPredict Compute point estimates for parameters from posterior samples
coprecip Standardized anomalies of CO Precipitation Sample MCMC output for the RESP model
coprecip.predict Sample composition sampling output for the RESP model
dgemkmm Evaluate kron(A,B) * C without storing kron(A,B)
eof Performs an EOF decomposition of the data
errDump Wrapper for a function to dump errors from C++
extractRegion Extract region from a SpatialGridDataFrame
extractStData Basic extraction of SpatialGridDataFrame data for teleconnection analysis
forwardsolve.kron Solves a triangular system with a Kronecker product structure
HPDinterval.stFit Compute Highest posterior density intervals from posterior samples
invWSamp Samples an Inverse-Wishart matrix
kronSamp Samples a multivariate normal with a Kronecker product covariance structure
lat_trans Formatting for longitude scales in ggplot spatial maps
lon_trans Formatting for longitude scales in ggplot spatial maps
maternArray Matern covariance
maternCov Matern covariance
maternEffectiveRange Compute effective range for Matern correlation to drop to a specified level
mergeComposition Combine results from composition sampler
mergeCovmat Combine sample covariance matrices from two samples
mergeMean Combine sample means from two samples
mergeVar Combine sample variances from two samples
plot.stData Plot stData objects
plot.stFit Plot stFit objects
plot.stPredict Plot stPredict objects
plot.teleCor Plots teleconnection correlation maps
rmatnorm Simulate matrices from matrix normal distributions
rwishart Random wishart matrix
stEval Basic evaluation of fit
stFit Fit the remote effects spatial process (RESP) model
stLL Compute log likelihood for model
stPredict Compute forecasts based on posterior samples
stSimulate Simulate responses from the spatio-temporal teleconnection model
stVIF Computes variance inflation factors for fixed effects of the teleconnection model
summariseAlpha Summarize alphas
summariseEOFAlpha Summarize eof-mapped alphas
summary.stPredict Plot stPredict objects
svcFit Fit a spatially varying coefficient model
svcPredict Make predictions using a fitted varying coefficient model
teleCor Pointwise correlations for an exploratory teleconnection analysis
telefit Tools for modeling teleconnections