.get_dwv {tealeaves} | R Documentation |
d_wv: water vapour gradient (mol / m ^ 3)
d_wv: water vapour gradient (mol / m ^ 3)
.get_dwv(T_leaf, pars, unitless)
T_leaf |
Leaf temperature in Kelvin |
pars |
Concatenated parameters ( |
unitless |
Logical. Should function use parameters with |
Water vapour gradient: The water vapour pressure differential from inside to outside of the leaf is the saturation water vapor pressure inside the leaf (p_leaf) minus the water vapor pressure of the air (p_air):
d_\mathrm{wv} = p_\mathrm{leaf} / (R T_\mathrm{leaf}) - RH p_\mathrm{air} / (R T_\mathrm{air})
Note that water vapor pressure is converted from kPa to mol / m^3 using ideal gas law.
Symbol | R | Description | Units | Default |
p_\mathrm{air} | p_air | saturation water vapour pressure of air | kPa | calculated |
p_\mathrm{leaf} | p_leaf | saturation water vapour pressure inside the leaf | kPa | calculated |
R | R | ideal gas constant | J / (mol K) | 8.3144598 |
\mathrm{RH} | RH | relative humidity | % | 0.50 |
T_\mathrm{air} | T_air | air temperature | K | 298.15 |
T_\mathrm{leaf} | T_leaf | leaf temperature | K | input |
Value in mol / m^3 of class units
# Water vapour gradient:
leaf_par <- make_leafpar()
enviro_par <- make_enviropar()
constants <- make_constants()
pars <- c(leaf_par, enviro_par, constants)
T_leaf <- set_units(300, K)
T_air <- set_units(298.15, K)
p_leaf <- set_units(35.31683, kPa)
p_air <- set_units(31.65367, kPa)
d_wv <- p_leaf / (pars$R * T_leaf) - pars$RH * p_air / (pars$R * T_air)
[Package tealeaves version 1.0.6 Index]