teal_modules {teal}R Documentation

Create teal_module and teal_modules objects



Create a nested tab structure to embed modules in a teal application.


  label = "module",
  server = function(id, ...) {
     moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
  ui = function(id, ...) {
     tags$p(paste0("This module has no UI (id: ", id, " )"))

  datanames = "all",
  server_args = NULL,
  ui_args = NULL

modules(..., label = "root")

## S3 method for class 'teal_module'
format(x, indent = 0, ...)

## S3 method for class 'teal_module'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'teal_modules'
format(x, indent = 0, ...)

## S3 method for class 'teal_modules'
print(x, ...)



(character(1)) Label shown in the navigation item for the module or module group. For modules() defaults to "root". See Details.


(function) shiny module with following arguments:

  • id - teal will set proper shiny namespace for this module (see shiny::moduleServer()).

  • input, output, session - (optional; not recommended) When provided, then shiny::callModule() will be used to call a module. From shiny 1.5.0, the recommended way is to use shiny::moduleServer() instead which doesn't require these arguments.

  • data (optional) When provided, the module will be called with teal_data object (i.e. a list of reactive (filtered) data specified in the filters argument) as the value of this argument.

  • datasets (optional) When provided, the module will be called with FilteredData object as the value of this argument. (See teal.slice::FilteredData).

  • reporter (optional) When provided, the module will be called with Reporter object as the value of this argument. (See teal.reporter::Reporter).

  • filter_panel_api (optional) When provided, the module will be called with FilterPanelAPI object as the value of this argument. (See teal.slice::FilterPanelAPI).

  • ... (optional) When provided, server_args elements will be passed to the module named argument or to the ....


(function) shiny UI module function with following arguments:

  • id - teal will set proper shiny namespace for this module.

  • ... (optional) When provided, ui_args elements will be passed to the module named argument or to the ....


(character) Deprecated. Use datanames instead.


(character) A vector with datanames that are relevant for the item. The filter panel will automatically update the shown filters to include only filters in the listed datasets. NULL will hide the filter panel, and the keyword "all" will show filters of all datasets. datanames also determines a subset of datasets which are appended to the data argument in server function.


(named list) with additional arguments passed on to the server function.


(named list) with additional arguments passed on to the UI function.

  • For modules(): (teal_module or teal_modules) Objects to wrap into a tab.

  • For format() and print(): Arguments passed to other methods.


(teal_module or teal_modules) Object to format/print.


(integer(1)) Indention level; each nested element is indented one level more.


module() creates an instance of a teal_module that can be placed in a teal application. modules() shapes the structure of a the application by organizing teal_module within the navigation panel. It wraps teal_module and teal_modules objects in a teal_modules object, which results in a nested structure corresponding to the nested tabs in the final application.

Note that for modules() label comes after ..., so it must be passed as a named argument, otherwise it will be captured by ....

The labels "global_filters" and "Report previewer" are reserved because they are used by the mapping argument of teal_slices() and the report previewer module reporter_previewer_module(), respectively.


module() returns an object of class teal_module.

modules() returns a teal_modules object which contains following fields:



module_1 <- module(
  label = "a module",
  server = function(id, data) {
      module = function(input, output, session) {
        output$data <- renderDataTable(data()[["iris"]])
  ui = function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)
  datanames = "all"

module_2 <- module(
  label = "another module",
  server = function(id) {
      module = function(input, output, session) {
        output$text <- renderText("Another Module")
  ui = function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)
  datanames = NULL

modules <- modules(
  label = "modules",
    label = "nested modules",

app <- init(
  data = teal_data(iris = iris),
  modules = modules

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)

[Package teal version 0.15.2 Index]