'shiny' Widgets for 'teal' Applications

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Documentation for package ‘teal.widgets’ version 0.4.2

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basic_table_args Builds a 'basic_table_args' object
clean_brushedPoints Cleans and organizes output to account for NAs and remove empty rows.
draggable_buckets Draggable Buckets
get_dt_rows Maps the 'lengthMenu'selected value property of 'DT::datatable' to a Shiny variable.
ggplot2_args Creates 'ggplot2_args' object
nested_closeable_modal Nested Closeable Modal Popup
optionalSelectInput Wrapper for 'pickerInput'
optionalSliderInput if min or max are 'NA' then the slider widget will be hidden
optionalSliderInputValMinMax For 'teal' modules we parameterize an 'optionalSliderInput' with one argument 'value_min_max'
panel_group Panel group widget
panel_item Panel widget
parse_basic_table_args Parses 'basic_table_args' object into the 'basic_table' expression
parse_ggplot2_args Parse 'ggplot2_args' object into the 'ggplot2' expression
plot_with_settings_srv Plot-with-settings module
plot_with_settings_ui Plot-with-settings module
resolve_basic_table_args Resolves and reduces multiple 'basic_table_args' objects
resolve_ggplot2_args Resolving and reducing multiple 'ggplot2_args' objects
standard_layout Create a standard UI layout with output on the right and an encoding panel on the left
table_with_settings table_with_settings module
table_with_settings_srv table_with_settings module
table_with_settings_ui table_with_settings module
updateOptionalSelectInput Wrapper for 'pickerInput'
verbatim_popup A 'shiny' module that pops up verbatim text.
verbatim_popup_srv A 'shiny' module that pops up verbatim text.
verbatim_popup_ui A 'shiny' module that pops up verbatim text.
white_small_well Adds Class Small Well and overflow-x property to HTML output element