Wicked Fast, Accurate Quantiles Using t-Digests

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Documentation for package ‘tdigest’ version 0.4.1

Help Pages

as.list.tdigest Serialize a tdigest object to an R list or unserialize a serialized tdigest list back into a tdigest object
as_tdigest Serialize a tdigest object to an R list or unserialize a serialized tdigest list back into a tdigest object
is_tdigest Allocate a new histogram
length.tdigest Total items contained in the t-Digest
quantile.tdigest Calculate sample quantiles from a t-Digest
td_add Add a value to the t-Digest with the specified count
td_create Allocate a new histogram
td_merge Merge one t-Digest into another
td_quantile_of Return the quantile of the value
td_total_count Total items contained in the t-Digest
td_value_at Return the value at the specified quantile
tquantile Calculate sample quantiles from a t-Digest
[.tdigest Return the value at the specified quantile