Pre- And Post-Processing in Bayesian Evolutionary Analyses

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Documentation for package ‘tbea’ version 1.5.0

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andes Divergence-time estimation data for cis-trans-Andean pairs
concatNexus concatNexus: Function for concatenation of nexus matrices both morphological and molecular
conflate conflate: Calculate the conflation of multiple distributions pdfs, plot = TRUE, from, to, n, add = FALSE
crossplot crossplot: Plot the median and HPD interval bars for pairs of distribution
c_truncauchy c_truncauchy: Estimate the c parameter for the truncated cauchy L distribution to be used in MCMCTree
density_fun density_fun: A way to represent distributions to be conflated
fasta2nexus fasta2nexus (deprecated): Function for converting molecular alignments from fasta to nexus format
findParams Function for estimation of probability density function parameters through quadratic optimization
laventa Geochronology samples from the Honda Group in Colombia
lognormalBeast Constructing a curve for the user-specified lognormal prior using Beast2 parameters
measureSimil Calculate the Intersection Between Two Densities
mswd.test Reduced chi-square test or mean square weighted deviation (mswd) test
stratCI stratCI: Estimate the confidence intervals of endpoints in stratigraphic intervals
summaryBrlen summaryBrlen: Summarise branch lengths on trees with identical topology
table2nexus table2nexus: Read a data matrix in delimited format and convert into a data matrix in nexus format
tnt2newick tnt2newick: Function for converting from TNT tree format to newick parenthetical format
topoFreq Frequency of topologies in a tree sample
xintercept xintercept: Estimate the x-intercept of an empirical cdf