User-Friendly Tables with Color Helpers for Data Exploration

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Documentation for package ‘tabxplor’ version 1.1.3

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A C D F G I M N P R S T U V misc

-- A --

as_refcol Create a vector of class formatted numbers
as_refrow Create a vector of class formatted numbers
as_totcol Create a vector of class formatted numbers
as_totrow Create a vector of class formatted numbers
as_tottab Create a vector of class formatted numbers

-- C --

complete_partial_totals Complete partial total rows

-- D --

dplyr_col_modify.tabxplor_grouped_tab dplyr_col_modify method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
dplyr_reconstruct.tabxplor_grouped_tab dplyr_reconstruct method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
dplyr_row_slice.tabxplor_grouped_tab dplyr_row_slice method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab

-- F --

fct_recode_helper fct_recode helper to recode multiple variables
fmt Create a vector of class formatted numbers
fmt_get_color_code Get HTML Color Code of a fmt vector
format.tabxplor_fmt Print method for class tabxplor_fmt

-- G --

get_ci_type Create a vector of class formatted numbers Get confidence intervals type of fmt columns
get_ci_type.default Get confidence intervals type of fmt columns
get_ci_type.tabxplor_fmt Get confidence intervals type of fmt columns
get_color Create a vector of class formatted numbers Get color
get_color.default Get color
get_color.tabxplor_fmt Get color
get_color_breaks Many cross-tables as one, with color helpers
get_color_style Many cross-tables as one, with color helpers
get_col_var Create a vector of class formatted numbers Get names of column variable of fmt columns
get_col_var.default Get names of column variable of fmt columns
get_col_var.tabxplor_fmt Get names of column variable of fmt columns
get_comp_all Create a vector of class formatted numbers
get_diff_type Create a vector of class formatted numbers Get differences type of fmt columns
get_diff_type.default Get differences type of fmt columns
get_diff_type.tabxplor_fmt Get differences type of fmt columns
get_digits Create a vector of class formatted numbers
get_num Create a vector of class formatted numbers
get_type Create a vector of class formatted numbers Get types of fmt columns
get_type.default Get types of fmt columns
get_type.tabxplor_fmt Get types of fmt columns
group_by.tabxplor_tab group_by method for class tabxplor_tab

-- I --

is_fmt Create a vector of class formatted numbers
is_refcol Create a vector of class formatted numbers Test function for reference columns
is_refcol.default Test function for reference columns
is_refcol.tabxplor_fmt Test function for reference columns
is_refrow Create a vector of class formatted numbers Test function to detect cells in reference rows
is_refrow.default Test function to detect cells in reference rows
is_refrow.tabxplor_fmt Test function to detect cells in reference rows
is_tab Many cross-tables as one, with color helpers
is_totcol Create a vector of class formatted numbers Test function for total columns
is_totcol.default Test function for total columns
is_totcol.tabxplor_fmt Test function for total columns
is_totrow Create a vector of class formatted numbers Test function to detect cells in total rows
is_totrow.default Test function to detect cells in total rows
is_totrow.tabxplor_fmt Test function to detect cells in total rows
is_tottab Create a vector of class formatted numbers Test function to detect cells in total tables
is_tottab.default Test function to detect cells in total tables
is_tottab.tabxplor_fmt Test function to detect cells in total tables

-- M --

mutate.tabxplor_fmt mutate method to access vctrs::fields of tabxplor_fmt vectors

-- N --

new_grouped_tab A constructor for class tabxplor_tab
new_tab A constructor for class tabxplor_tab

-- P --

pillar_shaft.tabxplor_fmt Pillar_shaft method to print class fmt in a 'tibble' column
pillar_shaft.tab_chi2_fmt Print Chi2 tables columns
print.tabxplor_grouped_tab Printing method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
print.tabxplor_tab Printing method for class tabxplor_tab

-- R --

relocate.tabxplor_grouped_tab relocate method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
rename.tabxplor_grouped_tab rename method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
rename_with.tabxplor_grouped_tab rename_with method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
rowwise.tabxplor_grouped_tab rowwise method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
rowwise.tabxplor_tab rowwise method for class tabxplor_tab

-- S --

select.tabxplor_grouped_tab select method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
set_ci_type Create a vector of class formatted numbers
set_color Create a vector of class formatted numbers
set_color_breaks Many cross-tables as one, with color helpers
set_color_style Many cross-tables as one, with color helpers
set_col_var Create a vector of class formatted numbers
set_comp_all Create a vector of class formatted numbers
set_diff_type Create a vector of class formatted numbers
set_digits Create a vector of class formatted numbers
set_num Create a vector of class formatted numbers
set_type Create a vector of class formatted numbers
summarise.tabxplor_grouped_tab summarise method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab

-- T --

tab Single cross-table, with color helpers
tab_chi2 Add Chi2 summaries to a 'tab'
tab_ci Add confidence intervals to a 'tab'
tab_get_vars Many cross-tables as one, with color helpers
tab_kable Print a tabxplor table in html
tab_many Many cross-tables as one, with color helpers
tab_num Means table
tab_pct Add percentages and diffs to a 'tab'
tab_plain Plain single cross-table
tab_prepare Prepare data for 'tab_plain'.
tab_spread Spread a tab, passing a tab variable to column
tab_tot Add totals to a 'tab'
tab_totaltab Add total table to a 'tab'
tab_xl Excel output for tabxplor tables, with formatting and colors
tab_xl_confidential Excel output for tabxplor tables with confidentiality rules.
tbl_format_body.tabxplor_tab Table body for class tab
tbl_format_footer.tabxplor_tab Table footer for class tab
tbl_sum.tabxplor_grouped_tab Table headers for class grouped tab
tbl_sum.tabxplor_tab Table headers for class tab

-- U --

ungroup.tabxplor_grouped_tab ungroup method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab

-- V --

vec_arith.numeric.tabxplor_fmt Vec_arith method for fmt
vec_arith.tabxplor_fmt Vec_arith method for fmt
vec_arith.tabxplor_fmt.default Vec_arith method for fmt
vec_arith.tabxplor_fmt.MISSING Vec_arith method for fmt
vec_arith.tabxplor_fmt.numeric Vec_arith method for fmt
vec_arith.tabxplor_fmt.tabxplor_fmt Vec_arith method for fmt
vec_cast.character.tabxplor_fmt Convert fmt into character
vec_cast.double.tabxplor_fmt Convert fmt into double
vec_cast.integer.tabxplor_fmt Convert fmt into integer
vec_cast.tabxplor_fmt.double Convert double into fmt
vec_cast.tabxplor_fmt.integer Convert integer into fmt
vec_cast.tabxplor_fmt.tabxplor_fmt Convert fmt into fmt
vec_math.tabxplor_fmt Vec_math method for class fmt
vec_proxy_compare.tabxplor_fmt Compare with fmt vector
vec_proxy_equal.tabxplor_fmt Test equality with fmt vector
vec_ptype2.double.tabxplor_fmt Find common ptype between double and fmt
vec_ptype2.integer.tabxplor_fmt Find common ptype between integer and fmt
vec_ptype2.tabxplor_fmt.double Find common ptype between fmt and double
vec_ptype2.tabxplor_fmt.integer Find common ptype between fmt and integer
vec_ptype2.tabxplor_fmt.tabxplor_fmt Find common ptype between fmt and fmt
vec_ptype_abbr.tabxplor_fmt Abbreviated display name for class fmt in tibbles
vec_ptype_full.tabxplor_fmt Printed type for class fmt

-- misc --

$.tabxplor_fmt $ method for class tabxplor_fmt
[.tabxplor_grouped_tab subset method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
[<-.tabxplor_grouped_tab set subset method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab
[[<-.tabxplor_grouped_tab set sub-subset method for class tabxplor_grouped_tab