parse_logs {tabulog}R Documentation

Parse Log Files


Parse a log file with a provided template and a set of classes


parse_logs(text, template, classes = list(), ...)

parse_logs_file(text_file, config_file, formatters = list(), ...)



Character vector; each element a log record


Template string


A named list of parsers or regex strings for use within the template string


Other arguments passed onto regexpr for matching regular expressions.


Filename (or readable connection) containing log text


Filename (or readable connection) containing template file


Named list of formatter functions for use of formatting classes


'template should only be a template string, such as 'ip ip_address [date access_date]...'.

config_file should be a yaml file or connection with the following fields

text should be a character vector, with each element representing a a log record

text_file should be a file or connection that can be split (with readLines) into a character vector of records

classes should be a named list of parser objects, where names match names of classes in template string, or a similarly named list of regex strings for coercing into parsers

formatters should be a named list of functions, where names match names of classes in template string, for properly formatting fields once they have been captured


A data.frame with each field identified in the template string as a column. For each record in the passed text, the fields were extracted and formatted using the parser objects in default_classes() and classes.


# Template string with two fields
template <- '{{ip ipAddress}} - [{{date accessDate}}] {{int status }}'

# Two simple log records
logs <- c(
  ' - [26/Jul/2019:11:41:10 -0500] 200',
  ' - [26/Jul/2019:11:41:21 -0500] 404'

# A formatter for the date field
myFormatters <- list(date = function(x) lubridate::as_datetime(x, format = '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z'))
# A parser class for the date field
date_parser <- parser(
  '[0-3][0-9]\\/[A-Z][a-z]{2}\\/[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}[ ][\\+|\\-][0-9]{4}',

# Parse the logs from raw data
parse_logs(logs, template, list(date=date_parser))

# Write the logs and to file and parse
logfile <- tempfile()
templatefile <- tempfile()
writeLines(logs, logfile)
yaml::write_yaml(list(template=template, classes=list(date=date_parser)), templatefile)
parse_logs_file(logfile, templatefile, myFormatters)

[Package tabulog version 0.1.1 Index]