Reshape Disorganised Messy Data

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Documentation for package ‘tabshiftr’ version 0.4.1

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.eval_find Evaluate .find constructs
.eval_sum Evaluate .sum constructs
.expect_valid_table Test for a valid table
.find Determine row or column on the fly
.sum Summarise groups of rows or columns
.tidyVars Match variables
.updateFormat Update the formating of a table
getClusterVar Extract cluster variables
getData Extract summarised data
getGroupVar Extract cluster group variable
getIDVars Extract identifying variables
getObsVars Extract observed variables
reorganise Reorganise a table
schema The 'schema' class (S4) and its methods
schema-class The 'schema' class (S4) and its methods
schema_default Default template of a schema description
setCluster Set where the clusters are
setFilter Set filters
setFormat Set the specific format of a table
setGroups Set Groups
setIDVar Set an identifying variable
setObsVar Set an observed variable
show-method Print the 'schema'
tabs2shift List of table types
validateSchema Check and update schema descriptions