phrase {tabr}R Documentation

Create a musical phrase


Create a musical phrase from character strings that define notes, note metadata, and optionally explicit strings fretted. The latter can be used to ensure proper tablature layout.


phrase(notes, info = NULL, string = NULL, bar = NULL)

p(notes, info = NULL, string = NULL, bar = NULL)


notes, info

noteworthy and note info strings. When info = NULL, it is assumed that notes refers to a music object or string formatted as such.


space-delimited character string or vector (or integer vector if simple string numbers). This is an optional argument that specifies which instrument strings to play for each specific timestep. Otherwise NULL.


character or NULL (default). Terminates the phrase with a bar or bar check. See details. Also see the LilyPond help documentation on bar notation for all the valid options.


A phrase object combines a valid string of notes with a corresponding valid string of note info. The only required note info is time, but other information can be included as well. You do not need to input an existing noteworthy class object and noteinfo class object, but both inputs must be valid and thus coercible to these classes. This is similar to how the music class works. The difference with phrase objects is that they are used to create LilyPond syntax analogous to what a music object contains.

Note that if you convert a music object to a phrase object, you are changing contexts. The phrase object is the simplest LilyPond-format music structure. Coercion with phrase() strips all attributes of a music object and retains only notes, note info and string numbers.

See the help documentation on noteworthy, noteinfo, and music classes for an understanding of the input data structures. The function p() is a convenient shorthand wrapper for phrase().

If a string is provided to bar, it is interpreted as LilyPond bar notation. E.g., bar = "|" adds the LilyPond syntax ⁠\bar "|"⁠ to the end of a phrase. If only a bar check is desired, use bar = TRUE. FALSE is treated as NULL for completeness.


a phrase.

See Also

valid-notes(), valid-noteinfo(), music()


phrase("c ec'g' ec'g'", "4- 4 2") # no string arg (not recommended for tabs)
phrase("c ec4g4 ec4g4", "4 4 2") # same as above
phrase("c b, c", "4. 8( 8)", "5 5 5") # direction implies hammer on
phrase("b2 c d", "4( 4)- 2", "5 5 5") # hammer and slide

phrase("c ec'g' ec'g'", "1 1 1", "5 432 432")
p("c ec'g' ec'g'", 1, "5 4 4") # same as above

n <- "a, b, c d e f g e f g a~ a"
i <- "8- 8 8 8-. t8( t8)( t8) t16( t16)( t16) 8 1"
m <- as_music(n, i)

x <- p(n, i)
identical(x, p(m))

x <- "a,4;5*5 b,4- c4 cgc'e'~4 cgc'e'1 e'4;2 c';3 g;4 c;5 ce'1;51"
identical(p(x), p(as_music(x)))

x <- p("a b", 2, bar = "|.")
x2 <- pc(p("a b", 2), '\\bar "|."')
identical(x, x2)

[Package tabr version 0.5.0 Index]