Formula-Driven Table Generation

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Documentation for package ‘tables’ version 0.9.28

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.Format 'Format' pseudo-function
All Include all columns of a dataframe.
AllObs Display all observations in a table.
Arguments 'Arguments' pseudo-function
as.matrix.tabular Convert tabular object to matrix
as.tabular Convert matrix or dataframe to tabular object. Convert matrix or dataframe to tabular object.
as.tabular.default Convert matrix or dataframe to tabular object.
booktabs Set or query options for the table formatting.
cbind.tabular Compute complex table
colLabels Retrieve or modify the row or column labels.
colLabels<- Retrieve or modify the row or column labels.
DropEmpty 'DropEmpty' pseudo-function
Equal Pseudo-function to compute a statistic relative to a reference set.
Factor Use a variable as a factor to give rows in a table.
Format 'Format' pseudo-function
format.tabular Compute complex table
getKnitrFormat Convert 'tabular' object to 'knitr_kable' format.
Heading 'Heading' pseudo-function
Hline Add a horizontal line to a LaTeX table.
html.tabular Display a tabular object using HTML.
HTMLfootnotes Construct footnotes
htmlNumeric Process numeric LaTeX or HTML values.
htmloptions Set or query options for the table formatting.
Justify 'Justify' pseudo-function
knit_print.tabular Custom printing of 'tabular' objects.
labelSubset Add a label to a logical vector.
latex.tabular Display a tabular object using LaTeX.
latexNumeric Process numeric LaTeX or HTML values.
latexTable Create table in full table environment
Literal Insert a literal entry into a table margin.
matrix_form.tabular Transform tabular object to matrices printable by formatters package
Multicolumn Use a variable as a factor to give rows in a table.
Paste Generate terms to paste values together in table.
Percent Pseudo-function to compute a statistic relative to a reference set.
PlusMinus Generate 'x +/- y' terms in table.
print.tabular Compute complex table
rbind.tabular Compute complex table
RowFactor Use a variable as a factor to give rows in a table.
rowLabels Retrieve or modify the row or column labels.
rowLabels<- Retrieve or modify the row or column labels.
RowNum Display all observations in a table.
table_options Set or query options for the table formatting.
tabular Compute complex table
tabular.default Compute complex table
tabular.formula Compute complex table
toHTML Display a tabular object using HTML.
toKable Convert 'tabular' object to 'knitr_kable' format.
toLatex Display a tabular object using LaTeX.
toLatex.tabular Display a tabular object using LaTeX.
toTinytable Convert 'tabular' object to 'tinytable' format.
Unequal Pseudo-function to compute a statistic relative to a reference set.
useGroupLabels Format table with groups of lines
write.csv.tabular Write table to file in CSV or other format.
write.table.tabular Write table to file in CSV or other format.
writeCSS Display a tabular object using HTML.
[.tabular Compute complex table
[.tabularColLabels Retrieve or modify the row or column labels.
[.tabularRowLabels Retrieve or modify the row or column labels.