print.CatTable {tableone} | R Documentation |
Format and print CatTable
class objects
method for the CatTable
class objects created by CreateCatTable
## S3 method for class 'CatTable'
digits = 1,
pDigits = 3,
quote = FALSE,
missing = FALSE,
explain = TRUE,
printToggle = TRUE,
noSpaces = FALSE,
format = c("fp", "f", "p", "pf")[1],
showAllLevels = FALSE,
cramVars = NULL,
dropEqual = FALSE,
test = TRUE,
exact = NULL,
smd = FALSE,
CrossTable = FALSE,
formatOptions = list(scientific = FALSE),
x |
Object returned by |
digits |
Number of digits to print in the table. |
pDigits |
Number of digits to print for p-values (also used for standardized mean differences). |
quote |
Whether to show everything in quotes. The default is FALSE. If TRUE, everything including the row and column names are quoted so that you can copy it to Excel easily. |
missing |
Whether to show missing data information. |
explain |
Whether to add explanation to the variable names, i.e., (%) is added to the variable names when percentage is shown. |
printToggle |
Whether to print the output. If FALSE, no output is created, and a matrix is invisibly returned. |
noSpaces |
Whether to remove spaces added for alignment. Use this option if you prefer to align numbers yourself in other software. |
format |
The default is "fp" frequency (percentage). You can also choose from "f" frequency only, "p" percentage only, and "pf" percentage (frequency). |
showAllLevels |
Whether to show all levels. FALSE by default, i.e., for 2-level categorical variables, only the higher level is shown to avoid redundant information. |
cramVars |
A character vector to specify the two-level categorical variables, for which both levels should be shown in one row. |
dropEqual |
Whether to drop " = second level name" description indicating which level is shown for two-level categorical variables. |
test |
Whether to show p-values. TRUE by default. If FALSE, only the numerical summaries are shown. |
exact |
A character vector to specify the variables for which the p-values should be those of exact tests. By default all p-values are from large sample approximation tests (chisq.test). |
smd |
Whether to show standardized mean differences. FALSE by default. If there are more than one contrasts, the average of all possible standardized mean differences is shown. For individual contrasts, use |
CrossTable |
Whether to show the cross table objects held internally using gmodels::CrossTable function. This will give an output similar to the PROC FREQ in SAS. |
formatOptions |
A list of options, which will be passed to |
... |
For compatibility with generic. Ignored. |
A matrix object containing what you see is also invisibly returned. This can be assinged a name and exported via write.csv
Kazuki Yoshida, Alexander Bartel
See Also
, CreateCatTable
, summary.CatTable
## Load
## Load Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
## Check variables
## Create an overall table for categorical variables
catVars <- c("status","ascites","hepato","spiders","edema","stage")
catTableOverall <- CreateCatTable(vars = catVars, data = pbc)
## Simply typing the object name will invoke the print.CatTable method,
## which will show the sample size, frequencies and percentages.
## For 2-level variables, only the higher level is shown for simplicity.
## If you need to show both levels for some 2-level factors, use cramVars
print(catTableOverall, cramVars = "hepato")
## Use the showAllLevels argument to see all levels for all variables.
print(catTableOverall, showAllLevels = TRUE)
## You can choose form frequencies ("f") and/or percentages ("p") or both.
## "fp" frequency (percentage) is the default. Row names change accordingly.
print(catTableOverall, format = "f")
print(catTableOverall, format = "p")
## To further examine the variables, use the summary.CatTable method,
## which will show more details.
## The table can be stratified by one or more variables
catTableBySexTrt <- CreateCatTable(vars = catVars,
strata = c("sex","trt"), data = pbc)
## print now includes p-values which are by default calculated by chisq.test.
## It is formatted at the decimal place specified by the pDigits argument
## (3 by default). It does <0.001 for you.
## The exact argument toggles the p-values to the exact test result from
## fisher.test. It will show which ones are from exact tests.
print(catTableBySexTrt, exact = "ascites")
## summary now includes both types of p-values
## If your work flow includes copying to Excel and Word when writing manuscripts,
## you may benefit from the quote argument. This will quote everything so that
## Excel does not mess up the cells.
print(catTableBySexTrt, exact = "ascites", quote = TRUE)
## If you want to center-align values in Word, use noSpaces option.
print(catTableBySexTrt, exact = "ascites", quote = TRUE, noSpaces = TRUE)