tabledown {tabledown}R Documentation

Produce Publication Quality Tables and Plots


The tabledown package provides necessary data frames used throughout the book and some neat functions.

tabledown Data-frames

  1. Rotter: Psychometric validation data of Bangla Rotter's Internal- External Scale.

  2. Gantt and Spot: Two sample data-frames for creating project management Gantt chart.

  3. FFMQ.CFA: Structural Validation data of Bangla Five Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire.

  4. FFMQ.Val:Correlational Validity evidences of Bangla Five Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire.

tabledown functions

This packages includes some neat and useful functions to create tables and figures suitable for journal submission:

  1. Creates a publication ready table from the output of "psych" package based factor analysis.

  2. Creates a publication ready descriptive table of Item analysis with the reporting of normality assumptions.

  3. normality.loop(): Compute normality test on the whole data frame. No grouping variable required.

  4. bedTime(): Calculate total time spent in bed from the sleep log entry.

  5. a table with necessary fit indices from a "lavaan" class objects.

  6. a table with necessary fit indices from several lavaan class objects.

  7. ggicc: Creates a ggplot2 based publication ready Item Characteristics Curve from the "mirt" package based item response theory estimations.

  8. ggiteminfo: Creates a ggplot2 based publication ready Item Information Curve from the "mirt" package based item response theory estimations.

  9. ggtestinfo: Creates a ggplot2 based publication ready Test Information Curve from the "mirt" package based item response theory estimations.

  10. ggtestinfo_se: Creates a ggplot2 based publication ready Test Information Curve with standard error from the "mirt" package based item response theory estimations. It is advisable that you load tidyverse along with tabledown

[Package tabledown version 1.0.0 Index]