Make and Apply Customized Rounding Specifications for Tables

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Documentation for package ‘table.glue’ version 0.0.3

Help Pages

as_inline Convert table data to inline list
bracket_drop Bracket helpers
bracket_extract Bracket helpers
bracket_insert_left Bracket helpers
bracket_insert_right Bracket helpers
bracket_lower_bound Bracket helpers
bracket_point_estimate Bracket helpers
bracket_upper_bound Bracket helpers
format_big Format values left of decimal
format_decimal Format decimal symbol
format_missing Format missing values
format_small Format values right of decimal
nhanes NHANES blood pressure data
round_half_even Set rules for rounding ties
round_half_up Set rules for rounding ties
round_spec Make a rounding specification
round_using_decimal Set rules for rounding numbers
round_using_magnitude Set rules for rounding numbers
round_using_signif Set rules for rounding numbers
table_ester Round estimates and their corresponding errors
table_estin Round estimates and their corresponding errors
table_glue Expressive rounding for table values
table_pvalue Round p-values
table_value General rounding for tables