transmute_sd {}R Documentation

Transmute subset of data


Like but for a single call and maybe specifying .SDcols.


transmute_sd(.data, .SDcols = everything(), .how = identity, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ExprBuilder'
  .SDcols = everything(),
  .how = identity,
  .parse = getOption("", FALSE),
  .chain = getOption("", TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'EagerExprBuilder'
transmute_sd(.data, ..., .parent_env = rlang::caller_env())

## S3 method for class 'data.table'
transmute_sd(.data, ...)



An instance of ExprBuilder.


See data.table::data.table and the details here.


The function(s) or function call(s) that will perform the transformation. If many, a list should be used, either with list() or .(). If the list is named, the names will be used for the new columns' names. Lambdas specified as formulas are supported.


Possibly more arguments for all functions/calls in .how.


Logical. Whether to apply rlang::parse_expr() to obtain the expressions.


Logical. Should a new frame be automatically chained to the expression if the clause being set already exists?


See end_expr()


Like, this function never modifies the input by reference. This function adds/chains a select expression that will be evaluated by data.table::data.table, possibly specifying the helper function .transmute_matching, which is assigned to the final expression's evaluation environment when calling end_expr() (i.e., ExprBuilder's eval method).

Said function supports two pronouns that can be used by .how and .SDcols:

Additionally, lambdas specified as formulas are also supported. In those cases, .x is equivalent to .COL and .y to .COLNAME.

Unlike a call like DT[, (vars) := expr], .SDcols can be created dynamically with an expression that evaluates to something that would be used in place of vars without eagerly using the captured data.table. See the examples here or in


data("mtcars") %>%
    transmute_sd(~ grepl("^d", .y), ~ .x * 2) %>%
    transmute_sd(~ is.numeric(.x), ~ .x * 2)

[Package version 0.4.2 Index]