Young Tableaux

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Documentation for package ‘syt’ version 0.4.0

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all_ssSkewTableaux Semistandard skew tableaux
all_ssytx Enumeration of semistandard Young tableaux
all_sytx Enumeration of standard Young tableaux
ballot2syt Tableau as ballot sequence
count_ssytx Number of semistandard Young tableaux
count_sytx Number of standard Young tableaux
dualSkewTableau Dual skew tableau
dualsyt Dual tableau
dualTableau Dual tableau
firstsyt First tableau of a given shape
gprocess2syt Growth process to tableau
hooklengths Hook lengths
hooks Hooks
isSemistandardSkewTableau Check whether a skew tableau is semistandard
isSkewTableau Check whether a tableau is a skew tableau
isSSYT Checks whether a tableau is semistandard
isStandardSkewTableau Check whether a skew tableau is standard
isSYT Checks whether a tableau is standard
KostkaNumber Kostka numbers
matrix2syt Standard Young tableau from a matrix
nextsyt Next tableau
prettySkewTableau Pretty skew tableau
prettyTableau Pretty tableau
rgprocess Plancherel growth process
RS Robinson-Schensted correspondence
rsyt Random standard Young tableau
syt2ballot Tableau as ballot sequence
syt2gprocess Tableau as growth process
syt2matrix Standard Young tableau as sparse matrix
tableau2matrix Tableau as sparse matrix
tableauShape Shape of a tableau