marginalize_attr {synthACS}R Documentation

Marginalize synthetic attributes


Marginalize, (ie- reduce in number), attributes of a synthetic dataset of class 'micro_synthetic' or a list of synthetic datasets of class 'synthACS'. This is done by marginalizing the joint distribution based on a set of specified attributes (see Arguments below).


marginalize_attr(obj, varlist, marginalize_out = FALSE)



An object of class "micro_synthetic".


A character vector of variable, or attribute, names in obj.


Logical. Do you wish to *remove* the variables in varlist instead of keeping them? Defaults to FALSE


# dummy data setup
df <- data.frame(gender= factor(sample(c("male", "female"), size= 100, replace= TRUE)),
                 age= factor(sample(1:5, size= 100, replace= TRUE)),
                 pov= factor(sample(c("below poverty", "at above poverty"), 
                                   size= 100, replace= TRUE, prob= c(.15,.85))),
                 p= runif(100))
df$p <- df$p / sum(df$p)
class(df) <- c("data.frame", "micro_synthetic")

df2 <- marginalize_attr(df, varlist= "gender")
df3 <- marginalize_attr(df, varlist= c("gender", "age"))
df4 <- marginalize_attr(df, varlist= c("gender", "age"), marginalize_out= TRUE)

df_list <- replicate(10, df, simplify= FALSE)
dummy_list <- replicate(10, list(NULL), simplify= FALSE)
df_list <- mapply(function(a,b) {return(list(a, b))}, a= dummy_list, b= df_list, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
class(df_list) <- c("list", "synthACS")

# run the function
df_list2 <- marginalize_attr(df_list, varlist= c("gender", "age"))

[Package synthACS version 1.7.1 Index]