peaks {synchrony}R Documentation

Find the proportion of local minima/maxima common to both time series and compute its significance via Monte Carlo randomizations


Find the proportion of local minima/maxima common to both time series and compute its significance via Monte Carlo randomizations


peaks (t1, t2, nrands = 0, type = 1, quiet = FALSE)



time series 1 in matrix format (n rows x 2 columns). The first column should contain the time steps and the second column should contain the values. If t1 is a column vector instead of a matrix, then it will be automatically converted to a matrix with column 1 corresponding to a time index ranging from 1 to the length of t1


time series 2 in matrix format (n rows x 2 columns). The first column should contain the time steps and the second column should contain the values. If t2 is a column vector instead of a matrix, then it will be automatically converted to matrix with column 1 corresponding to a time index ranging from 1 to the length of t2.


number of randomizations. Default is 0.


Randomization method. The type=1 method randomly shuffles each time series, thus destroying both the autocorrelation structure of each time series and their cross-correlation. The type=2 method shifts each time series by a random amount, thus preserving the autocorrelation structure but destroying the cross-correlation between the time series (Purves and Law 2002). Default is type=1


Suppress progress bar when set to TRUE. Default is FALSE


Returns a named list containing:


p-value computed by randomly shuffling both time series nrands times


proportion of local minima/maxima common to both time series for each randomization


proportion of local minima/maxima common to both time series in the observed dataset


indices of local minima/maxima common to both time series in the observed dataset


Tarik C. Gouhier (


Buonaccorsi, J. P., J. S. Elkinton, S. R. Evans, and A. M. Liebhold. 2001. Measuring and testing for spatial synchrony. Ecology 82:1668-1679.

Purves, D. W., and R. Law. 2002. Fine-scale spatial structure in a grassland community: quantifying the plant's eye view. Journal of Ecology 90:121-129.


(p=peaks(t1, t2))

[Package synchrony version 0.3.8 Index]