Symbolic Central and Noncentral Moments of the Multivariate Normal Distribution

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Documentation for package ‘symmoments’ version 1.2.1

Help Pages

symmoments-package Symbolically compute and numerically evaluate multivariate central moments
callmultmoments Compute multivariate moment symbolically
convert.mpoly Convert between mpoly and list representations of multivariate polynomials
convert.multipol Convert between multipol and list representations of multivariate polynomials
evaluate Evaluate a multivariate moment
evaluate.moment Evaluate a multivariate moment
evaluate_expected.polynomial Evaluate the expected value of a multivariate polynomial
evaluate_noncentral Evaluate a noncentral multivariate moment
integrate.polynomial Numerically integrate a multivariate polynomial
make.all.moments Create all moments up to specified size in environment symmoments
multmoments Recursive function to compute a multivariate moment
print.moment Print the representation of a multivariate moment
simulate.moment Method to compute a multivariate moment using Monte Carlo integration
symmoments Symbolically compute and numerically evaluate multivariate central moments
toLatex.moment LaTeX a multivariate moment
toLatex_noncentral Compute a Latex expression for a noncentral moment
toMatching Convert representation of a phylogenetic tree as a moment L-matrix to matching form
toMoment Converts a tree from Newick or matching to moment format
toNewick convert representation of phylogenetic tree as a moment L-matrix to Newick form
tounsorted Compute an unsorted central moment object from a sorted object