elliptical.ts {sym.arma} | R Documentation |
Autoregressive and Moving Average Symmetric Models
Fit an SYMARMA model to a univariate time series. Fitting method: conditional maximum likelihood estimation.
elliptical.ts(Y, family="Normal", order=c(0,0,0), xreg=NULL,
include.mean=TRUE, epsilon=0.0001, maxit=100, trace="TRUE",
index1=NULL, index2=NULL, fixed=NULL)
Y |
a univariate time series. |
family |
a description of the conditional distribution of each Y[t], given the set of past information. Symmetric distributions available for adjustment: Normal (Normal), Student-t (Student), Generalized Student-t (Gstudent), Exponential Power (ExpPower) (by Box & Tiao, 1973, ch 3), Logistic I (LogisticI), Logistic II (LogisticII), Generalized Logistic (Glogistic), Cauchy (Cauchy) and Contamined Normal (Cnormal). The default is to normal distribution. |
order |
a specification of the SYMARMA model: the three integer components (p, d, q) are the AR order, the degree of differencing, and the MA order. |
xreg |
optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors, which must have the same number of rows as Y. |
include.mean |
should the SYMARMA model include a mean/intercept term? The default is TRUE. |
epsilon |
positive convergence tolerance e; the iterations converge when |fit - fit_old|/|fit| < e. Default is e=1e-04. |
maxit |
integer giving the maximal number of iterations. Default is 100 iterations. |
trace |
a logical indicating if output should be produced. |
index1 |
The parameter to Student-t and Exponential Power distributions or the first argument to Generalized Student-t, Generalized Logistic and Contamined Normal distributions. |
index2 |
The second argument to Generalized Student-t, Generalized Logistic (index2 = index2(index1)) and Contamined Normal distributions. |
fixed |
a optional numeric vector of the same length as the total number of parameters. If supplied, only NA entries in fixed will be varied. |
Different definitions of autoregressive and moving average models have different signs for the AR and/or MA coefficients. The dynamic component in SYMARMA model used here has
The estimation of the parameters that index the SYMARMA model is obtained by maximum conditional likelihood method on the first m observations, where m = max(np,nq).
The variance matrix of the estimates is found from the Hessian of the log-likelihood, and so may only be a rough guide.
A list of class “Symarma” with components:
coefficients |
a vector of estimated AR, MA and regression coefficients. |
dispersion |
the estimated dispersion parameter. |
resid.raw |
the ordinary residuals. |
resid.stand |
the standardized residuals. |
fitted.values |
the fitted mean values. |
loglik |
the maximized log-likelihood. |
aic |
the AIC value corresponding to the log-likelihood. |
bic |
the BIC value corresponding to the log-likelihood. |
rmse |
the Root Mean Squared Error value corresponding to the ajusted model. |
iter |
the number of iterations used in the fitting. |
n |
the number of observations in the series. |
sd.coef |
a vector of estimated standard deviation of the coefficients. |
sd.disp |
estimated standard deviation of the dispersion parameter. |
family |
the family object used. |
X |
if requested, the vector or matrix of external regressors. |
Vinicius Quintas Souto Maior and Francisco Jose A. Cysneiros
Maintainer: Vinicius Quintas Souto Maior <vinicius@de.ufpe.br>
Maior, V. Q. S. and Cysneiros, F. J. A. (2018). SYMARMA: a new dynamic model for temporal data on conditional symmetric distribution. Statitical Paper, 59, 75-97. doi: 10.1007/s00362-016-0753-z.
Wei, W. W. S. (2006). Time Series Analysis: Univariate and Multivariate Methods, 2nd edition. Pearson Addison Wesley. Section 7.2.1.
Box, M. J. and Tiao, G. C. (1973). Bayesian inference in statistical analysis. Londen: Addison-Wesley.
# Return in the prices on Microsoft and SP500 index
N = length(msf)
.sp500 = ((sp500[2:N]-sp500[1:(N-1)])/sp500[1:(N-1)])*100
.msf = ((msf[2:N]-msf[1:(N-1)])/msf[1:(N-1)])*100
# The T-bill rates were divided by 253 to convert to a daily rate
.tbill = tbill/253
# Excess return in the prices on Microsoft and SP500 index
Y = .msf - .tbill[1:(N-1)]
X = .sp500 - .tbill[1:(N-1)]
# Period from April 4, 2002 to October 4, 2002
serie = Y[2122:2240]
aux = cbind(X[2122:2240])
# Returns best ARIMA model according to either AIC value.
# auto.arima(Y,xreg=aux,seasonal=FALSE,ic=c("aic"))
# Fit SYMARMA models
fit.1 = elliptical.ts(serie,order=c(0,0,1),xreg=aux,include.mean=FALSE,
fit.2 = elliptical.ts(serie,order=c(0,0,1),xreg=aux,include.mean=FALSE,
family="Student", index1=4)
fit.3 = elliptical.ts(serie,order=c(3,0,1),xreg=aux,family="ExpPower",
index1=0, fixed=c(0,0,NA,NA,NA,NA))