Installing, Managing, and Switching Between Distinct Sets of Installed Packages

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Documentation for package ‘switchr’ version 0.14.8

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A B C D E F G H I L M N P R S T U V W misc

-- A --

addPkg addPkg
addPkg,PkgManifest addPkg
addPkg,SessionManifest addPkg
addPkg-method addPkg
archive_retries archive_retries
archive_retries,SwitchrParam archive_retries
archive_retries-method archive_retries
archive_retries<- archive_retries
archive_retries<-,SwitchrParam archive_retries
archive_retries<--method archive_retries
archive_timing archive_timing
archive_timing,SwitchrParam archive_timing
archive_timing-method archive_timing
archive_timing<- archive_timing
archive_timing<-,SwitchrParam archive_timing
archive_timing<--method archive_timing

-- B --

BiocDevel BiocDevel
BiocRelease BiocRelease
biocReposForVers biocReposForVers
BiocSource-class PkgSource
BiocSVNManifest DEPCRECATED - Create a manifest of Bioc SVN locations
BiocVers BiocVers
branch branch
branch,PkgSource branch
branch-method branch
branch<- branch
branch<-,PkgSource branch
branch<--method branch

-- C --

c-method cmethods
checkIsPkgDir Check if a directory contains package sources
cranPkgVersManifest cranPkgVersManifest
CRANSource-class PkgSource
currentCompEnv currentCompEnv
CVSSource-class PkgSource

-- D --

defaultRepos defaultRepos
dep_repos dep_repos
dep_repos,PkgManifest dep_repos
dep_repos,SessionManifest dep_repos
dep_repos-method dep_repos
dep_repos<- dep_repos
dep_repos<-,PkgManifest dep_repos
dep_repos<-,SessionManifest dep_repos
dep_repos<--method dep_repos
dl_method dl_method
dl_method,SwitchrParam dl_method
dl_method-method dl_method
dl_method<- dl_method
dl_method<-,SwitchrParam dl_method
dl_method<--method dl_method

-- E --

errorOrNonZero Identify error states from R or external programs

-- F --

fileFromFileURL Get path from file URL
findNewestPkgInds Find newest packages in a package info data.frame
findNewestPkgRows Find newest packages in a package info data.frame
findPkgDir Find a package directory within an SCM checkout
findPkgVersionInRepo findPkgVersionInRepo
findPkgVersionInRepo,character findPkgVersionInRepo
findPkgVersionInRepo,NULL findPkgVersionInRepo
findPkgVersionInRepo-method findPkgVersionInRepo
flushSession flushSession
full_libpaths full_libpaths
full_libpaths,SwitchrCtx full_libpaths
full_libpaths-method full_libpaths

-- G --

getPkgDir Construct pockage directory path
GithubManifest GithubManifest
GithubSource-class PkgSource
GitSource-class PkgSource
gotoVersCommit gotoVersCommit
gotoVersCommit,character,BiocSource gotoVersCommit
gotoVersCommit,character,CRANSource gotoVersCommit
gotoVersCommit,character,GitSource gotoVersCommit
gotoVersCommit,character,SVNSource gotoVersCommit
gotoVersCommit-method gotoVersCommit
graceful_inet Internal internet harness

-- H --

head Head and tail operations on manifests
head,PkgManifest Head and tail operations on manifests
head,SessionManifest Head and tail operations on manifests
head-method Head and tail operations on manifests

-- I --

install_packages install_packages
install_packages,character,character install_packages
install_packages,character,missing install_packages
install_packages,character,PkgManifest install_packages
install_packages,character,SessionManifest install_packages
install_packages,SessionManifest,ANY install_packages
install_packages-method install_packages

-- L --

lazyRepo lazyRepo
lazyRepo,character,PkgManifest lazyRepo
lazyRepo,character,SessionManifest lazyRepo
lazyRepo,PkgManifest,ANY lazyRepo
lazyRepo,SessionManifest,ANY lazyRepo
lazyRepo-method lazyRepo
libManifest libManifest
libManifest,character libManifest
libManifest,missing libManifest
libManifest,SwitchrCtx libManifest
libManifest-method libManifest
library_paths library_paths
library_paths,SwitchrCtx library_paths
library_paths-method library_paths
loadGRAN Load a GRAN repo package
loadManifest loadManifest
LocalSource-class PkgSource
locatePkgVersion locatePkgVersion
location location
location-method location
logfun logfun
logfun,SwitchrParam logfun
logfun-method logfun
logfun<- logfun
logfun<-,SwitchrParam logfun
logfun<--method logfun

-- M --

makeBiocSVNURL Make a Bioconductor SVN url for a package
makeFileURL make file url
makeLibraryCtx makeLibraryCtx
makeManifest Manifest constructor
makePkgCheckout Create a checkout of a package and all it's dependencies from a manifest
makePkgDir makePkgDir
makePkgDir,ANY,ANY makePkgDir
makePkgDir,ANY,BiocSource makePkgDir
makePkgDir,ANY,CRANSource makePkgDir
makePkgDir,ANY,GithubSource makePkgDir
makePkgDir,ANY,GitSource makePkgDir
makePkgDir,ANY,LocalSource makePkgDir
makePkgDir,ANY,SVNSource makePkgDir
makePkgDir,ANY,TarballSource makePkgDir
makePkgDir-method makePkgDir
makeSeedMan makeSeedMan
makeSeedMan,data.frame makeSeedMan
makeSeedMan,missing makeSeedMan
makeSeedMan,parsedSessionInfo makeSeedMan
makeSeedMan,sessionInfo makeSeedMan
makeSeedMan-method makeSeedMan
makeSource Create a PkgSource object for a package
manifest Get or set the manifest associated with an object
manifest,SessionManifest Get or set the manifest associated with an object
manifest-method Get or set the manifest associated with an object
manifest<- Get or set the manifest associated with an object
manifest<-,SessionManifest Get or set the manifest associated with an object
manifest<--method Get or set the manifest associated with an object
manifestFromCheckoutDir Create Manifest from 'checkedout' directory containing many pkg dirs
ManifestRow ManifestRow
manifest_df manifest_df
manifest_df,PkgManifest manifest_df
manifest_df,SessionManifest manifest_df
manifest_df-method manifest_df
manifest_df<- manifest_df
manifest_df<-,PkgManifest manifest_df
manifest_df<-,SessionManifest manifest_df
manifest_df<--method manifest_df

-- N --

normalizePath2 normalizePath2
notrack Notrack directory
notrack,NULL Notrack directory
notrack-method Notrack directory
nrow Number of rows
nrow,PkgManifest Number of rows
nrow,SessionManifest Number of rows
nrow-method Number of rows

-- P --

packages packages
packages,SwitchrCtx packages
packages-method packages
parsedSessionInfo-class Parsed sessionInfo output
parseSessionInfoString Parse text output from printing SessionInfo objects
PkgManifest PkgManifest
PkgManifest-class PkgManifest
pkgname pkgname
pkgname,PkgSource pkgname
pkgname-method pkgname
pkgname<- pkgname
pkgname<-,PkgSource pkgname
pkgname<--method pkgname
PkgSource-class PkgSource
publishManifest publishManifest
publishManifest,missing,ANY publishManifest
publishManifest,PkgManifest,character publishManifest
publishManifest,SessionManifest,character publishManifest
publishManifest,SwitchrCtx,ANY publishManifest
publishManifest-method publishManifest

-- R --

removeLib removeLib
RepoSubset RepoSubset
RepoSubset-class RepoSubset
rVersionManifest rVersionManifest

-- S --

SessionManifest SessionManifest
SessionManifest-class SessionManifest
shell_timing Get or set the number of seconds to wait between successive shell commands
shell_timing,SwitchrParam Get or set the number of seconds to wait between successive shell commands
shell_timing-method Get or set the number of seconds to wait between successive shell commands
shell_timing<- Get or set the number of seconds to wait between successive shell commands
shell_timing<-,SwitchrParam Get or set the number of seconds to wait between successive shell commands
shell_timing<--method Get or set the number of seconds to wait between successive shell commands
sh_init_script shell init
sh_init_script,SwitchrParam shell init
sh_init_script-method shell init
sh_init_script<- shell init
sh_init_script<-,SwitchrParam,ANY shell init
sh_init_script<--method shell init
subdir subdir
subdir,PkgSource subdir
subdir-method subdir
subdir<- subdir
subdir<-,PkgSource subdir
subdir<--method subdir
SVNSource-class PkgSource
switchBack switchBack
switchDeps switchrDeps
switchrBaseDir Get or set the base directory for switchr libraries
SwitchrCtx SwitchrCtx
SwitchrCtx-class SwitchrCtx
switchrDontUnload Get or set packages to not unload when flushing the system
switchrManifest switchrManifest
switchrNoUnload Skip unloading of packages in session
SwitchrParam SwitchrParam
SwitchrParam-class SwitchrParam
switchTo switchTo
switchTo,character,character switchTo
switchTo,character,missing switchTo
switchTo,character,PkgManifest switchTo
switchTo,character,RepoSubset switchTo
switchTo,character,SessionManifest switchTo
switchTo,character,SwitchrCtx switchTo
switchTo,SwitchrCtx,ANY switchTo
switchTo-method switchTo
system_w_init system_w_init

-- T --

tail Head and tail operations on manifests
tail,PkgManifest Head and tail operations on manifests
tail,SessionManifest Head and tail operations on manifests
tail-method Head and tail operations on manifests
TarballSource-class PkgSource

-- U --

updateManifest updateManifest
update_PACKAGES update existing package repository

-- V --

versions_df versions_df
versions_df,SessionManifest versions_df
versions_df-method versions_df
versions_df<- versions_df
versions_df<-,SessionManifest versions_df
versions_df<--method versions_df

-- W --

warning2 Internal internet harness

-- misc --

.libPaths2 .libpaths2