AnswerTests | Answer Tests |
any_of_exprs | Test that the user has entered one of several possible expressions. |
bye | Exit swirl. |
calculates_same_value | Test that the user's expression evaluates to a certain value. |
delete_progress | Delete a user's progress |
email_admin | Send diagnostic email to swirl admin |
expr_creates_var | Test that a new variable has been created. |
expr_identical_to | Test that the user has entered a particular expression. |
expr_is_a | Test that the expression itself is of a specific 'class'. |
expr_uses_func | Test that a particular function has been used. |
func_of_newvar_equals | Test the result of a computation applied to a specific (user-named) variable created in a previous question. |
info | Display a list of special commands. |
InstallCourses | Installing Courses |
install_course | Install a course from The swirl Course Network or install a course from a local .swc file. |
install_course_directory | Install a course from a course directory |
install_course_dropbox | Install a course from a zipped course directory shared on Dropbox |
install_course_github | Install a course from a GitHub repository |
install_course_google_drive | Install a course from a zipped course directory shared on Google Drive |
install_course_url | Install a course from a url that points to a zip file |
install_course_zip | Install a course from a zipped course folder |
install_from_swirl | Install a course from the official course repository |
is_robust_match | Recursively expand both the correct expression and the user's expression and test for a match. CAUTION: May raise errors, as in rmatch_calls. |
main | Return to swirl's main menu. |
nxt | Begin the upcoming question or unit of instruction. |
omnitest | Test for a correct expression, a correct value, or both. |
play | Tell swirl to ignore console input for a while. |
reset | Start over on the current script question. |
restart | Restart the current swirl lesson. |
rmatch_calls | Recursively expand match calls in an expression from the bottom up. |
select_language | Select a language |
skip | Skip the current unit of instruction. |
submit | Submit the active R script in response to a question. |
swirl | An interactive learning environment for R and statistics. |
swirl_options | Get swirl options |
uninstall_all_courses | Uninstall all courses |
uninstall_course | Uninstall a course |
val_has_length | Test that the value of the expression has a particular 'length'. |
val_matches | Test that the user's expression matches a regular expression. |
var_is_a | Test that the value of the expression is of a specific class. |
zip_course | Zip a course directory |