swgee-package {swgee}R Documentation

Simulation Extrapolation Inverse Probability Weighted Generalized Estimating Equations


Simulation extrapolation and inverse probability weighted generalized estimating equations method for longitudinal data with missing observations and measurement error in covariates. References: Yi, G. Y. (2008) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxm054>; Cook, J. R. and Stefanski, L. A. (1994) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1994.10476871>; Little, R. J. A. and Rubin, D. B. (2002, ISBN:978-0-471-18386-0).



Package: swgee
Type: Package
Title: Simulation Extrapolation Inverse Probability Weighted Generalized Estimating Equations
Version: 1.4
Date: 2019-03-20
Imports: stats, graphics, gee, geepack, mvtnorm,
LazyLoad: yes
Author: Juan Xiong <jxiong@szu.edu.cn>, Grace Y. Yi <yyi@uwaterloo.ca>
Maintainer: Juan Xiong <jxiong@szu.edu.cn>
Description: Simulation extrapolation and inverse probability weighted generalized estimating equations method for longitudinal data with missing observations and measurement error in covariates. References: Yi, G. Y. (2008) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxm054>; Cook, J. R. and Stefanski, L. A. (1994) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1994.10476871>; Little, R. J. A. and Rubin, D. B. (2002, ISBN:978-0-471-18386-0).
License: GPL-3

Index of help topics:

BMI                     BMI dataset
getsimexest             getsimexest
plot.swgee              plot.swgee
print.summary.swgee     print.summary.swgee
print.swgee             print.swgee
summary.swgee           summary.swgee
swgee                   Simulation Extrapolation Inverse Probability
                        Weighted Generalized Estimating Equations
swgee-package           Simulation Extrapolation Inverse Probability
                        Weighted Generalized Estimating Equations

Implementation of the SIMEX inverse probability weighted GEE method for longitudinal data with missing observations and measurement error in covariates


Juan Xiong <jxiong@szu.edu.cn>, Grace Y. Yi<yyi@uwaterloo.ca>

Maintainer: Juan Xiong <jxiong@szu.edu.cn>


Cook, J.R. and Stefanski, L.A. (1994) Simulation-extrapolation estimation in parametric measurement error models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89, 1314-1328.

Carrol, R.J., Ruppert, D., Stefanski, L.A. and Crainiceanu, C. (2006) Measurement error in nonlinear models: A modern perspective., Second Edition. London: Chapman and Hall.

Yi, G. Y. (2008) A simulation-based marginal method for longitudinal data with dropout and mismeasured covariates. Biostatistics, 9, 501-512.

See Also


[Package swgee version 1.4 Index]