High Precision Swiss Ephemeris

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Documentation for package ‘swephR’ version 0.3.1

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swephR-package swephR: High Precision Swiss Ephemeris
SE Constants used in swephR
Section1 Section 1: The Ephemeris file related functions
Section10 Section 10: Sidereal mode functions
Section13 Section 13: House cusp, ascendant and Medium Coeli calculations
Section14 Section 14: House position calculations
Section15 Section 15: Sidereal time
Section16 Section 16.7: Other functions that may be useful
Section2 Section 2: Computing positions
Section3 Section 3: Find a planetary or asteroid name
Section4 Section 4: Fixed stars functions
Section5 Section 5: Kepler elements, nodes, apsides and orbital periods
Section6 Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
Section7 Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
Section8 Section 8: Delta T-related functions
Section9 Section 9: The function for calculating topocentric planet position
swephR swephR: High Precision Swiss Ephemeris
swe_azalt Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_azalt_rev Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_calc Section 2: Computing positions
swe_calc_ut Section 2: Computing positions
swe_close Section 1: The Ephemeris file related functions
swe_date_conversion Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_day_of_week Section 16.7: Other functions that may be useful
swe_deltat Section 8: Delta T-related functions
swe_deltat_ex Section 8: Delta T-related functions
swe_fixstar2 Section 4: Fixed stars functions
swe_fixstar2_mag Section 4: Fixed stars functions
swe_fixstar2_ut Section 4: Fixed stars functions
swe_gauquelin_sector Section 14: House position calculations
swe_get_ayanamsa_ex Section 10: Sidereal mode functions
swe_get_ayanamsa_ex_ut Section 10: Sidereal mode functions
swe_get_ayanamsa_name Section 10: Sidereal mode functions
swe_get_library_path Section 1: The Ephemeris file related functions
swe_get_orbital_elements Section 5: Kepler elements, nodes, apsides and orbital periods
swe_get_planet_name Section 3: Find a planetary or asteroid name
swe_get_tid_acc Section 8: Delta T-related functions
swe_heliacal_angle Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_heliacal_pheno_ut Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_heliacal_ut Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_houses_armc Section 13: House cusp, ascendant and Medium Coeli calculations
swe_houses_ex Section 13: House cusp, ascendant and Medium Coeli calculations
swe_house_name Section 13: House cusp, ascendant and Medium Coeli calculations
swe_house_pos Section 14: House position calculations
swe_jdet_to_utc Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_jdut1_to_utc Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_julday Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_lat_to_lmt Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_lmt_to_lat Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_lun_eclipse_how Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_lun_eclipse_when Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_lun_eclipse_when_loc Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_lun_occult_when_glob Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_lun_occult_when_loc Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_lun_occult_where Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_nod_aps Section 5: Kepler elements, nodes, apsides and orbital periods
swe_nod_aps_ut Section 5: Kepler elements, nodes, apsides and orbital periods
swe_orbit_max_min_true_distance Section 5: Kepler elements, nodes, apsides and orbital periods
swe_pheno Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_pheno_ut Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_refrac Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_refrac_extended Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_revjul Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_rise_trans_true_hor Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_set_delta_t_userdef Section 8: Delta T-related functions
swe_set_ephe_path Section 1: The Ephemeris file related functions
swe_set_jpl_file Section 1: The Ephemeris file related functions
swe_set_sid_mode Section 10: Sidereal mode functions
swe_set_tid_acc Section 8: Delta T-related functions
swe_set_topo Section 9: The function for calculating topocentric planet position
swe_sidtime Section 15: Sidereal time
swe_sol_eclipse_how Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_sol_eclipse_when_glob Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_sol_eclipse_when_loc Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_sol_eclipse_where Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_time_equ Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_topo_arcus_visionis Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena
swe_utc_time_zone Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_utc_to_jd Section 7: Date and time conversion functions
swe_version Section 1: The Ephemeris file related functions
swe_vis_limit_mag Section 6: Eclipses, Risings, Settings, Meridian Transits, Planetary Phenomena