svy2lme {svylme} | R Documentation |
Linear mixed models by pairwise likelihood
Fits linear mixed models to survey data by maximimising the profile pairwise composite likelihood.
svy2lme(formula, design, sterr=TRUE, return.devfun=FALSE,
method=c("general","nested"), all.pairs=FALSE, subtract.margins=FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'svy2lme'
formula |
Model formula as in the |
design |
A survey design object produced by |
sterr |
Estimate standard errors for fixed effects? Set to |
return.devfun |
If |
method |
all.pairs |
Only with |
subtract.margins |
If |
object |
... |
for method compatibility |
random |
if |
The population pairwise likelihood would be the sum of the loglikelihoods for a pair of observations, taken over all pairs of observations from the same cluster. This is estimated by taking a weighted sum over pairs in the sample, with the weights being the reciprocals of pairwise sampling probabilities. The advantage over standard weighted pseudolikelihoods is that there is no large-cluster assumption needed and no rescaling of weights. The disadvantage is some loss of efficiency and simpler point estimation.
With method="nested"
we have the method of Yi et al
(2016). Using method="general"
relaxes the conditions on the
design and model.
The code uses lme4::lmer
to parse the formula and produce
starting values, profiles out the fixed effects and residual
variance, and then uses minqa::bobyqa
to maximise the
resulting profile deviance.
As with lme4::lmer
, the default is to estimate the
correlations of the random effects, since there is typically no
reason to assume these are zero. You can force two random effects to
be independent by entering them in separate terms, eg
in the model formula asks for a random intercept
and a random slope with no random intercept, which will be uncorrelated.
The internal parametrisation of the variance components uses the
Cholesky decomposition of the relative variance matrix (the variance
matrix divided by the residual variance), as in
. The component object$s2
contains the
estimated residual variance and the component object$opt$par
contains the elements of the Cholesky factor in column-major order,
omitting any elements that are forced to be zero by requiring
indepedent random effects.
Standard errors of the fixed effects are currently estimated using a
"with replacement" approximation, valid when the sampling fraction
is small and superpopulation (model, process) inference is
intended. Tthe influence functions are added up within
cluster, centered within strata, the residuals added up within strata, and then
the crossproduct is taken within each stratum. The stratum variance
is scaled by ni/(ni-1)
where ni
is the number of PSUs
in the stratum, and then added up across strata. When the sampling
and model structure are the same, this is the estimator of Yi et al,
but it also allows for there to be sampling stages before the stages
that are modelled, and for the model and sampling structures to be
The return.devfun=TRUE
option is useful if you want to
examine objects that aren't returned as part of the output. For
example, get("ij", environment(object$devfun))
is the set of
pairs used in computation.
returns an object with print
, coef
, and
The coef
method with random=TRUE
returns a two-element
list: the first element is the estimated residual variance, the second
is the matrix of estimated variances and covariances of the random effects.
Thomas Lumley
J.N.K. Rao, François Verret and Mike A. Hidiroglou "A weighted composite likelihood approach to inference for two-level models from survey data" Survey Methodology, December 2013 Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 263-282
Grace Y. Yi , J. N. K. Rao and Haocheng Li "A WEIGHTED COMPOSITE LIKELIHOOD APPROACH FOR ANALYSIS OF SURVEY DATA UNDER TWO-LEVEL MODELS" Statistica Sinica Vol. 26, No. 2 (April 2016), pp. 569-587
data(api, package="survey")
# one-stage cluster sample
dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc)
# two-stage cluster sample
dclus2<-svydesign(id=~dnum+snum, fpc=~fpc1+fpc2, data=apiclus2)
svy2lme(api00~(1|dnum)+ell+mobility+api99, design=dclus1)
svy2lme(api00~(1|dnum)+ell+mobility+api99, design=dclus2)
svy2lme(api00~(1|dnum)+ell+mobility+api99, design=dclus2,method="nested")
lme4::lmer(api00~(1|dnum)+ell+mobility+api99, data=apipop)
## Simulated
df<-data.frame(x=rnorm(1000*20),g=rep(1:1000,each=20), t=rep(1:20,1000), id=1:20000)
df$u<-with(df, rnorm(1000)[g])
df$y<-with(df, x+u+rnorm(1000,s=2))
## oversample extreme `u` to bias random-intercept variance
in2<-rep(1:5, length(in1))
sdf<-subset(df, (g %in% (1:1000)[in1]) & (t %in% in2))
## Population values
lme4::lmer(y~x+(1|g), data=df)
## Naive estimator: higher intercept variance
lme4::lmer(y~x+(1|g), data=sdf)
##pairwise estimator
design<-survey::svydesign(id=~g+id, data=sdf, weights=~w1+w2)
all.equal(coef(pair), coef(pair_g))
all.equal(SE(pair), SE(pair_g))