make_rwyb_bootstrap_weights {svrep}R Documentation

Create bootstrap replicate weights for a general survey design, using the Rao-Wu-Yue-Beaumont bootstrap method


Creates bootstrap replicate weights for a multistage stratified sample design using the method of Beaumont and Émond (2022), which is a generalization of the Rao-Wu-Yue bootstrap.

The design may have different sampling methods used at different stages. Each stage of sampling may potentially use unequal probabilities (with or without replacement) and may potentially use Poisson sampling.


  num_replicates = 100,
  samp_method_by_stage = rep("PPSWOR", times = ncol(samp_unit_ids)),
  allow_final_stage_singletons = TRUE,
  output = "weights"



Positive integer giving the number of bootstrap replicates to create


Matrix or data frame of sampling unit IDs for each stage of sampling


Matrix or data frame of strata IDs for each sampling unit at each stage of sampling


Matrix or data frame of selection probabilities for each sampling unit at each stage of sampling.


A vector with length equal to the number of stages of sampling, corresponding to the number of columns in samp_unit_ids. This describes the method of sampling used at each stage. Each element should be one of the following:

  • "SRSWOR" - Simple random sampling, without replacement

  • "SRSWR" - Simple random sampling, with replacement

  • "PPSWOR" - Unequal probabilities of selection, without replacement

  • "PPSWR" - Unequal probabilities of selection, with replacement

  • "Poisson" - Poisson sampling: each sampling unit is selected into the sample at most once, with potentially different probabilities of inclusion for each sampling unit.


Logical value indicating whether to allow non-certainty singleton strata at the final sampling stage (rather than throw an error message).
If TRUE, the sampling unit in a non-certainty singleton stratum will have its final-stage adjustment factor calculated as if it was selected with certainty at the final stage (i.e., its adjustment factor will be 1), and then its final bootstrap weight will be calculated by combining this adjustment factor with its final-stage selection probability.


Either "weights" (the default) or "factors". Specifying output = "factors" returns a matrix of replicate adjustment factors which can later be multiplied by the full-sample weights to produce a matrix of replicate weights. Specifying output = "weights" returns the matrix of replicate weights, where the full-sample weights are inferred using samp_unit_sel_probs.


Beaumont and Émond (2022) describe a general algorithm for forming bootstrap replicate weights for multistage stratified samples, based on the method of Rao-Wu-Yue, with extensions to sampling without replacement and use of unequal probabilities of selection (i.e., sampling with probability proportional to size) as well as Poisson sampling. These methods are guaranteed to produce nonnegative replicate weights and provide design-unbiased and design-consistent variance estimates for totals, for designs where sampling uses one or more of the following methods:

For designs where at least one stage's strata have sampling without replacement with unequal probabilities of selection ("PPSWOR"), the bootstrap method of Beaumont and Émond (2022) is guaranteed to produce nonnegative weights, but is not design-unbiased, since the method only approximates the joint selection probabilities which would be needed for unbiased estimation.

Unless any stages use simple random sampling without replacement, the resulting bootstrap replicate weights are guaranteed to all be strictly positive, which may be useful for calibration or analyses of domains with small sample sizes. If any stages use simple random sampling without replacement, it is possible for some replicate weights to be zero.

If there is survey nonresponse, it may be useful to represent the response/nonresponse as an additional stage of sampling, where sampling is conducted with Poisson sampling where each unit's "selection probability" at that stage is its response propensity (which typically has to be estimated).


A matrix of with the same number of rows as samp_unit_ids and the number of columns equal to the value of the argument num_replicates. Specifying output = "factors" returns a matrix of replicate adjustment factors which can later be multiplied by the full-sample weights to produce a matrix of replicate weights. Specifying output = "weights" returns the matrix of replicate weights, where the full-sample weights are inferred using samp_unit_sel_probs.


Beaumont, J.-F.; Émond, N. (2022). "A Bootstrap Variance Estimation Method for Multistage Sampling and Two-Phase Sampling When Poisson Sampling Is Used at the Second Phase." Stats, 5: 339–357.

Rao, J.N.K.; Wu, C.F.J.; Yue, K. (1992). "Some recent work on resampling methods for complex surveys." Surv. Methodol., 18: 209–217.

See Also

If the survey design can be accurately represented using svydesign, then it is easier to simply use as_bootstrap_design with argument type = "Rao-Wu-Yue-Beaumont".

Use estimate_boot_reps_for_target_cv to help choose the number of bootstrap replicates.


## Not run: 

 # Example 1: A multistage sample with two stages of SRSWOR

     ## Load an example dataset from a multistage sample, with two stages of SRSWOR
     data("mu284", package = 'survey')
     multistage_srswor_design <- svydesign(data = mu284,
                                           ids = ~ id1 + id2,
                                           fpc = ~ n1 + n2)

     ## Create bootstrap replicate weights
     bootstrap_replicate_weights <- make_rwyb_bootstrap_weights(
       num_replicates = 5000,
       samp_unit_ids = multistage_srswor_design$cluster,
       strata_ids = multistage_srswor_design$strata,
       samp_unit_sel_probs = multistage_srswor_design$fpc$sampsize /
       samp_method_by_stage = c("SRSWOR", "SRSWOR")

     ## Create a replicate design object with the survey package
     bootstrap_rep_design <- svrepdesign(
       data = multistage_srswor_design$variables,
       repweights = bootstrap_replicate_weights,
       weights = weights(multistage_srswor_design, type = "sampling"),
       type = "bootstrap"

     ## Compare std. error estimates from bootstrap versus linearization
       'Statistic' = c('total', 'mean', 'median'),
       'SE (bootstrap)' = c(SE(svytotal(x = ~ y1, design = bootstrap_rep_design)),
                            SE(svymean(x = ~ y1, design = bootstrap_rep_design)),
                            SE(svyquantile(x = ~ y1, quantile = 0.5,
                                           design = bootstrap_rep_design))),
       'SE (linearization)' = c(SE(svytotal(x = ~ y1, design = multistage_srswor_design)),
                                SE(svymean(x = ~ y1, design = multistage_srswor_design)),
                                SE(svyquantile(x = ~ y1, quantile = 0.5,
                                               design = multistage_srswor_design))),
       check.names = FALSE

 # Example 2: A single-stage sample selected with unequal probabilities, without replacement

     ## Load an example dataset of U.S. counties states with 2004 Presidential vote counts
     data("election", package = 'survey')
     pps_wor_design <- svydesign(data = election_pps,
                                 pps = "overton",
                                 fpc = ~ p, # Inclusion probabilities
                                 ids = ~ 1)

     ## Create bootstrap replicate weights
     bootstrap_replicate_weights <- make_rwyb_bootstrap_weights(
       num_replicates = 5000,
       samp_unit_ids = pps_wor_design$cluster,
       strata_ids = pps_wor_design$strata,
       samp_unit_sel_probs = pps_wor_design$prob,
       samp_method_by_stage = c("PPSWOR")

     ## Create a replicate design object with the survey package
     bootstrap_rep_design <- svrepdesign(
       data = pps_wor_design$variables,
       repweights = bootstrap_replicate_weights,
       weights = weights(pps_wor_design, type = "sampling"),
       type = "bootstrap"

     ## Compare std. error estimates from bootstrap versus linearization
       'Statistic' = c('total', 'mean'),
       'SE (bootstrap)' = c(SE(svytotal(x = ~ Bush, design = bootstrap_rep_design)),
                            SE(svymean(x = ~ I(Bush/votes),
                                       design = bootstrap_rep_design))),
       'SE (Overton\'s PPS approximation)' = c(SE(svytotal(x = ~ Bush,
                                                           design = pps_wor_design)),
                                               SE(svymean(x = ~ I(Bush/votes),
                                                          design = pps_wor_design))),
       check.names = FALSE

## End(Not run)

[Package svrep version 0.6.4 Index]