3D Animated Interactive Visualizations Using SVG and WebGL

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Documentation for package ‘svgViewR’ version 1.4.3

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svgViewR-package 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- A --

addMeshes 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
applyQuat_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
applyTransformations 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
applyTransform_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
apply_transform_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
avec_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
axisAngle2Quat 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
axisAngle2Tmat 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- B --

bestAlign_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
box_in_box_faces 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- C --

cameraParameters 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
circlePoint_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
cleanMesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
cprod_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_circle_plane_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_cuboid_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_curved_plane_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_curved_ring_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_cylinder_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_plane_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_ring_plane_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_sphere_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
create_square_ring_mesh 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- D --

darkenCol 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
default_gpar 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
defineCircle_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
distancePointToLine_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
distPointToPlane_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
dppt_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- F --

findPlotDims 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
fitPlane_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
fitShapes 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- H --

html2plot 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- I --

image2world 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- J --

JSONToobj 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- L --

lightenCol 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
lim2corners 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- M --

mtransform_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- O --

objToJSON Converts OBJ to JSON

-- P --

plot_svg_shapes 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
pointLineProj_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
pointNormalOnLine_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
pointPlaneProj_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
print.obj Reads an OBJ file

-- Q --

quat2RM_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- R --

readCam 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
readHTML 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
readOBJ Reads an OBJ file
read_obj_str 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
Rhttpd2 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
Rhttpd2-class 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
rm2euler 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
RM2Quat_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- S --

sd_linkr 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
set_plane_corners 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
splitAlphaNum 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.arrow 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.arrows Write arrows to Viewer
svg.bboxLight Adds light(s) to Viewer
svg.box 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.camera 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.carrow 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.ccuboid 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.circles 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.close Closes Viewer connection
svg.cone 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.coupler 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.cplanes 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.cuboid 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.cylinder 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.dcylinder 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.deform 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.farrow 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.frame 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.hcuboid 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.images 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.iplanes 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.lines Add Connected Line Segments to SVG Viewer
svg.mesh Write mesh to Viewer
svg.new Create new Viewer file
svg.open 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.pal 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.panel 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.paths 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.pathsC Connect points with path lines in SVG Viewer
svg.plane 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.points Write points to SVG Viewer
svg.pointsC 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.rotate 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.socket 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.sphere 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.spheres 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.text 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.transform 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.translate 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg.triangle 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.circles 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.lines 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.new 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.paths 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.pathsC 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.points 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.pointsC 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.text 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr.write 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr_env 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svgviewr_ranges 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg_axis_grids 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg_axis_polygons 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg_axis_ticks 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg_box_lim 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
svg_ranges 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- T --

tm2JSON 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
tMatrixEP_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- U --

uvector_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- V --

viewer_save_image 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
vorthogonal_svg 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL

-- W --

webColor 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
writeOBJ 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL
write_HTML 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations using SVG and webGL