'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes using Tcl/Tk

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Documentation for package ‘svDialogstcltk’ version 1.0.0

Help Pages

dlg_dir.tcltkGUI A Tcl/Tk version of the svDialogs directory selection dialog box
dlg_input.tcltkGUI A Tcl/Tk version of the svDialogs input a string or value dialog box
dlg_list.tcltkGUI A Tcl/Tk version of the svDialogs list selection dialog box
dlg_message.tcltkGUI A Tcl/Tk version of the svDialogs message box
dlg_open.tcltkGUI A Tcl/Tk version of the svDialogs file open dialog box
dlg_save.tcltkGUI A Tcl/Tk version of the svDialogs file save dialog box