accum {survsim} | R Documentation |
Aggregate data from a simulated cohort.
Aggregate the observed number of events suffered by a subject, the time of follow-up, the duration of all the observed episodes and the real number of events suffered in all subject history.
data |
An object of class |
The output contains z
and real.ep.accum
because they can be interesting when analyzing several aspects as missing data or individual heterogeneity, although those variables cannot be observed in a real cohort.
An object of class
. It is a data frame with a row for each subject in data
, and the following columns
nid |
an |
old |
real value indicating the time that the individual was at risk before the beginning of the follow-up. |
risk.bef |
z |
individual heterogeneity, generated according to the specified distribution. |
x |
value of each covariate randomly generated for each subject in the cohort. |
obs.ep.accum |
aggregated number of episodes suffered by an individual since the beginning of subject's follow-up time. |
real.ep.accum |
aggregated number of episodes suffered by an individual from the beginning of subject's history. |
time.accum |
global time of follow-up for each individual. |
long.accum |
global time not at risk within the follow-up time, corresponding to the sum of times between the end of an event and the beginning of the next. |
David Moriña, Universitat de Barcelona and Albert Navarro, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Kelly PJ, Lim LL. Survival analysis for recurrent event data: an application to childhood infectious diseases. Stat Med 2000 Jan 15;19(1):13-33.
Bender R, Augustin T, Blettner M. Generating survival times to simulate Cox proportional hazards models. Stat Med 2005 Jun 15;24(11):1713-1723.
Metcalfe C, Thompson SG. The importance of varying the event generation process in simulation studies of statistical methods for recurrent events. Stat Med 2006 Jan 15;25(1):165-179.
Reis RJ, Utzet M, La Rocca PF, Nedel FB, Martin M, Navarro A. Previous sick leaves as predictor of subsequent ones. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2011 Jun;84(5):491-499.
Navarro A, Moriña D, Reis R, Nedel FB, Martin M, Alvarado S. Hazard functions to describe patterns of new and recurrent sick leave episodes for different diagnoses. Scand J Work Environ Health 2012 Jan 27.
Moriña D, Navarro A. The R package survsim for the simulation of simple and complex survival data. Journal of Statistical Software 2014 Jul; 59(2):1-20.
See Also
, mult.ev.sim
, crisk.sim
, survsim
, simple.surv.sim
### A cohort with 500 subjects, with a maximum follow-up time of 1825 days and
### just a covariate, following a Bernoulli distribution, and a corresponding
### beta of -0.4, -0.5, -0.6 and -0.7 for each episode, in a context of recurrent
### events. <- rec.ev.sim(n=500, foltime=1825, dist.ev=c('lnorm','llogistic', 'weibull',
'weibull'),anc.ev=c(1.498, 0.924, 0.923, 1.051),beta0.ev=c(7.195, 6.583, 6.678, 6.430)
,,anc.cens=c(1.272, 1.218, 1.341, 1.484),beta0.cens=c(7.315, 6.975, 6.712, 6.399),
z=list(c("unif",0.8,1.2)),beta=list(c(-0.4,-0.5,-0.6,-0.7)), x=list(c("bern", 0.5)),
### Aggregated data <- accum(