plotMatrix {survSpearman}R Documentation

Plots a color matrix.


Plots a matrix of colors at a given point. Each element of the color matrix is plotted as a rectangle with user specified side lengths and border color.


plotMatrix(colorMatr, borderCol, coordX, coordY, widthX, widthY)



A matrix of colors in R format.


The border color of plotted rectangles.


X coordinate of the lower left corner of colorMatr.


Y coordinate of the lower left corner of colorMatr.


The vector of lengths of the rectangle sides parallel to the X-axis. The length of widthX can be either 1 (all rectangles have the same side length for X-axis) or the number of columns of colorMatr


The vector of lengths of the rectangle sides parallel to the Y-axis. The length of widthY can be either 1 (all rectangles have the same side length for Y-axis) or the number of rows of colorMatr


R-function plot() has to be called first. The function plots a color matrix at a given coordinate. Each element of the color matrix is plotted as a rectangle with user specified border color and side lengths on X- and Y-axes. Element colorMatr[nrow(colMatr), 1] is displayed as the bottom left rectangle. Element colorMatr[1, ncol(colMatr)] is displayed as the top right rectangle.




Svetlana K Eden,


### Uneven rectangles
colorMatr = matrix(c("goldenrod1", "mediumpurple3", "palegreen3",
   "royalblue1", "orchid", "firebrick1"), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
plot(c(1, 4), c(2, 4), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
plotMatrix(colorMatr, borderCol = "white", coordX = 1, coordY = 2,
   widthX = c(1/4, 1, 1/6), widthY = c(1, 1/2))
### Plotting the legend:
reshapeColMatr = matrix(t(colorMatr), ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(colorMatr)*ncol(colorMatr),
   byrow = TRUE)
plotMatrix(reshapeColMatr, borderCol = "white", coordX = 2.8, coordY = 2,
   widthX = c(1/4), widthY = c(1/4))
text(x = rep(3.03, nrow(reshapeColMatr)),
   y = 2.12+c(0,cumsum(rep(1/4, nrow(reshapeColMatr)-1))),
   labels = reshapeColMatr[nrow(reshapeColMatr):1], pos = 4, cex = 0.7)
### Same length and width rectangles on the black background
plot(c(1, 4), c(2, 4), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
polygon(x = c(0, 5, 5, 0, 0), y = c(0, 0, 5, 5, 0), col = "black")
plotMatrix(colorMatr, borderCol = "black", coordX = 1, coordY = 2, widthX = 1, widthY = 1)

[Package survSpearman version 1.0.1 Index]