asLong |
Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form. |
asLong.ten |
Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form. |
asWide |
Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form. |
asWide.ten |
Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form. |
autoplot |
Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object |
autoplot.stratTen |
Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object |
autoplot.survfit |
Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object |
autoplot.tableAndPlot |
Arrange a survival plot with corresponding table and legend. |
autoplot.ten |
Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object |
autoplotTableAndPlot |
Arrange a survival plot with corresponding table and legend. |
autoplotTen |
Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object |
ci |
*c*onfidence *i*ntervals for survival curves. |
ci.stratTen |
*c*onfidence *i*ntervals for survival curves. |
ci.ten |
*c*onfidence *i*ntervals for survival curves. |
comp |
compare survival curves |
comp.ten |
compare survival curves |
*cov*ariance matrix for survival data |
COV.numeric |
*cov*ariance matrix for survival data |
COV.stratTen |
*cov*ariance matrix for survival data |
COV.ten |
*cov*ariance matrix for survival data |
cutp |
*cut p*oint for a continuous variable in a model fit with 'coxph' or 'survfit'. |
cutp.coxph |
*cut p*oint for a continuous variable in a model fit with 'coxph' or 'survfit'. |
cutp.survfit |
*cut p*oint for a continuous variable in a model fit with 'coxph' or 'survfit'. |
gastric |
gastric cancer trial data |
gof |
*g*oodness *o*f *f*it test for a 'coxph' object |
gof.coxph |
*g*oodness *o*f *f*it test for a 'coxph' object |
nc |
Add *n*umber *c*ensored. |
nc.stratTen |
Add *n*umber *c*ensored. |
nc.ten |
Add *n*umber *c*ensored. |
predict |
predicted events |
predict.ten |
predicted events |
print |
'print' methods |
print.COV |
'print' methods |
print.lrt |
'print' methods |
print.stratTableAndPlot |
'print' methods |
print.sup |
'print' methods |
print.tableAndPlot |
'print' methods |
print.ten |
'print' methods |
profLik |
Profile likelihood for coefficients in a 'coxph' model |
rsq |
r^2 measures for a a 'coxph' or 'survfit' model |
rsq.coxph |
r^2 measures for a a 'coxph' or 'survfit' model |
rsq.survfit |
r^2 measures for a a 'coxph' or 'survfit' model |
sf |
*s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n. |
sf.default |
*s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n. |
sf.numeric |
*s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n. |
sf.stratTen |
*s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n. |
sf.ten |
*s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n. |
strat.Ten |
*s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n. |
survMisc |
Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Analysis |
survMisc_package |
Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Analysis |
ten |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. |
ten.coxph |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. | |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. | |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. |
ten.formula |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. |
ten.numeric |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. |
ten.Surv |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. |
ten.survfit |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. |
ten.ten |
*t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk. |
xtable |
'xtable' methods |
xtable.survfit |
'xtable' methods |
xtable.table |
'xtable' methods |