Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Data

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Documentation for package ‘survMisc’ version 0.5.6

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asLong Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form.
asLong.ten Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form.
asWide Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form.
asWide.ten Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form.
autoplot Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object
autoplot.stratTen Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object
autoplot.survfit Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object
autoplot.tableAndPlot Arrange a survival plot with corresponding table and legend.
autoplot.ten Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object
autoplotTableAndPlot Arrange a survival plot with corresponding table and legend.
autoplotTen Generate a 'ggplot' for a 'survfit' or 'ten' object
ci *c*onfidence *i*ntervals for survival curves.
ci.stratTen *c*onfidence *i*ntervals for survival curves.
ci.ten *c*onfidence *i*ntervals for survival curves.
comp compare survival curves
comp.ten compare survival curves
COV *cov*ariance matrix for survival data
COV.numeric *cov*ariance matrix for survival data
COV.stratTen *cov*ariance matrix for survival data
COV.ten *cov*ariance matrix for survival data
cutp *cut p*oint for a continuous variable in a model fit with 'coxph' or 'survfit'.
cutp.coxph *cut p*oint for a continuous variable in a model fit with 'coxph' or 'survfit'.
cutp.survfit *cut p*oint for a continuous variable in a model fit with 'coxph' or 'survfit'.
gastric gastric cancer trial data
gof *g*oodness *o*f *f*it test for a 'coxph' object
gof.coxph *g*oodness *o*f *f*it test for a 'coxph' object
nc Add *n*umber *c*ensored.
nc.stratTen Add *n*umber *c*ensored.
nc.ten Add *n*umber *c*ensored.
predict predicted events
predict.ten predicted events
print 'print' methods
print.COV 'print' methods
print.lrt 'print' methods
print.stratTableAndPlot 'print' methods
print.sup 'print' methods
print.tableAndPlot 'print' methods
print.ten 'print' methods
profLik Profile likelihood for coefficients in a 'coxph' model
rsq r^2 measures for a a 'coxph' or 'survfit' model
rsq.coxph r^2 measures for a a 'coxph' or 'survfit' model
rsq.survfit r^2 measures for a a 'coxph' or 'survfit' model
sf *s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n.
sf.default *s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n.
sf.numeric *s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n.
sf.stratTen *s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n.
sf.ten *s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n.
strat.Ten *s*urvival (or hazard) *f*unction based on e and n.
survMisc Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Analysis
survMisc_package Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Analysis
ten *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
ten.coxph *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
ten.data.frame *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
ten.data.table *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
ten.formula *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
ten.numeric *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
ten.Surv *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
ten.survfit *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
ten.ten *t*ime, *e*vent(s) and *n*umber at risk.
xtable 'xtable' methods
xtable.survfit 'xtable' methods
xtable.table 'xtable' methods