surface-package |
Fitting Hansen Models to Investigate Convergent Evolution |
addRegime |
Adding Regimes to a Hansen Model |
collapseRegimes |
Collapsing Convergent Regimes in a Hansen Model |
convertBack |
Utilities for Formatting Objects for SURFACE Analysis |
convertTreeData |
Utilities for Formatting Objects for SURFACE Analysis |
getAIC |
Akaike's Information Criterion for SURFACE Models |
getBranchTimes |
Extract Branching Times from an 'ouch' Tree |
nameNodes |
Utilities for Formatting Objects for SURFACE Analysis |
npSurface |
Akaike's Information Criterion for SURFACE Models |
ouchDescendants |
Obtain Descendants from an 'ouch' Tree |
propRegMatch |
Similarity of Two Hansen Models |
repaint |
Paint the Branches of a Tree |
runSurface |
Run All Steps of a SURFACE Analysis |
startingModel |
Create an Initial Model for a SURFACE Analysis |
surface |
Fitting Hansen Models to Investigate Convergent Evolution |
surfaceAICMultiPlot |
Plot the AIC Throughout a SURFACE Analysis |
surfaceAICPlot |
Plot the AIC Throughout a SURFACE Analysis |
surfaceBackward |
Collapsing Convergent Regimes in a Hansen Model |
surfaceDemo |
Tree and Data for Demonstrating SURFACE |
surfaceForward |
Adding Regimes to a Hansen Model |
surfaceSimulate |
Simulate Data for SURFACE |
surfaceSummary |
Summarize SURFACE Output |
surfaceTraitPlot |
Visualize Results of a SURFACE Analysis |
surfaceTreePlot |
Visualize Results of a SURFACE Analysis |