Support Functions for Wrangling and Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘supportR’ version 1.3.0

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array_melt Melt an Array into a Dataframe
crop_tri Crop a Triangle from Data Object
date_check Check Columns for Non-Dates
date_format_guess Identify Probable Format for Ambiguous Date Formats
diff_check Compare Difference Between Two Vectors
force_num Force Coerce to Numeric
github_ls List Objects in a GitHub Repository
github_ls_single List Objects in a Single Folder of a GitHub Repository
github_tree Create File Tree of a GitHub Repository
name_vec Create Named Vector
nms_ord Publication-Quality Non-metric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMS) Ordinations
num_check Check Columns for Non-Numbers
pcoa_ord Publication-Quality Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) Ordinations
rmd_export Knit an R Markdown File and Export to Google Drive
safe_rename Safely Rename Columns in a Dataframe
summary_table Generate Summary Table for Supplied Response and Grouping Variables
tabularize_md Make a Markdown File into a Table
theme_lyon Complete 'ggplot2' Theme for Non-Data Aesthetics