bws3.response {support.BWS3}R Documentation

Generating artificial responses to Case 3 best-worst scaling questions


This function synthesizes responses to Case 3 best-worst scaling (BWS) questions on the basis of a maximum difference model.


bws3.response(design, categorical.attributes = NULL, 
  continuous.attributes = NULL, asc = NULL, common = NULL,
  optout = FALSE, b, n, detail = FALSE, seed = NULL)



An object of the S3 class "cedes".


A vector containing the names of the attributes that are treated as dummy-coded variables in the model. If there are no categorical variables, it is set as NULL (default).


A vector containing the names of the attributes that are treated as continuous variables in the model. If there are no continuous variables, it is set as NULL (default).


A vector containing binary values, which takes the value of 1 when an alternative specific constant (ASC) is included in the utility function of an alternative and 0 otherwise. The ii-th element in the vector corresponds to the ii-th alternative. If there are no ASCs, it is set as NULL (default).


A named vector containing a fixed combination of levels corresponding to a common alternative (base/reference) in the choice sets. If the common alternative is an opt-out (no choice) option, use the argument optout instead. If there is no common option, it is set as NULL (default).


A logical variable describing whether the opt-out option is included in the BWS questions. If TRUE (default), the opt-out option is included; if FALSE, it is not.


A vector containing parameters of independent variables in the model. The vector is used to calculate utilities for alternatives.


An integer value showing the number of respondents in the resultant dataset.


A logical variable: if TRUE, the dataset is returned in a detailed format; and if FALSE (default), the dataset is returned in a simple format.


Seed for a random number generator.


This function synthesizes responses to Case 3 BWS questions on the basis of a maximum difference model. The model assumes that an alternative consists of kk attribute-levels, and that mm alternatives exist in a choice set (a question). The number of possible pairs where alternative ii is selected as the best and alternative jj is selected as the worst (iji \neq j) from mm alternatives is given by m×(m1)m \times (m - 1). The model also assumes that the respondents select alternative ii as the best and alternative jj as the worst because the difference in utility between alternatives ii and jj is the highest among all of the m×(m1)m \times (m - 1) differences in utility. The systematic component of the utility is assumed to be a linear additive function of the attribute and/or level variables. If the error component of the utility is assumed to be an independently, identically distributed type I extreme value, the probability of selecting alternative ii as the best and alternative jj as the worst is expressed as a conditional logit model.

Given the parameter values assigned to the argument b, the choice sets assigned to the argument design, and the classifications of attributes (categorical or continuous) assigned to the arguments categorical.attributes and/or continuous.attributes, the function bws3.response calculates the utility for the alternatives. The parameter values assigned to the argument b are set as a numerical vector where the elements correspond to the parameters of attribute and/or level variables. As an example, assume that three attributes A, B, and C are the first, second, and third continuous attribute, respectively, in alternatives, and their corresponding attribute variables XAX_{A}, XBX_{B}, and XCX_{C} have parameter values of 0.10.1, 0.40.4, and 0.5-0.5, respectively. A vector assigned to the argument b is c(0.1, 0.4, -0.5). As another example, assume that the three attributes A, B, and C are categorical attributes with three levels each (e.g., levels A1, A2, and A3 for attribute A) and that the first level for each attribute (i.e., A1, B1, and C1) is treated as the base (reference) level. If the parameters for the dummy-coded level variables corresponding to levels A2, A3, B2, B3, C2, and C3 are 0.20.2, 0.40.4, 0.40.4, 0.80.8, 0.7-0.7, and 1.4-1.4, respectively, a vector assigned to the argument b is given as c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0, 0.4, 0.8, 0, -0.7, -1.4), where the first, fourth, and seventh elements correspond to the reference level for each attribute, and thus have a value of 0. After calculating the utility values (by adding the calculated values of the systematic component of the utility and random numbers generated from a type I extreme value distribution), the function bws3.response finds the pair with the highest difference in utility from the m×(m1)m \times (m - 1) differences in utility.

If the systematic component of the utility includes ASCs, the argument asc is set: the ii-th element of a binary vector assigned to the argument asc takes a value of 1 if the ii-th alternative has an ASC, and takes a value of 0 otherwise. As an example, if a choice set consists of four alternatives and only the fourth alternative has an ASC, a vector c(0, 0, 0, 1) is assigned to the argument asc. Although this creates four ASCs (i.e., ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, and ASC4) corresponding to the four alternatives in the resultant dataset, only the fourth ASC (ASC4) is used in the analysis (the remaining ASC1, ASC2, and ASC3 are ignored). As another example, if a choice set consists of three alternatives and the first and second alternatives have ASCs, a vector c(1, 1, 0) is assigned to the argument asc: this results in three ASCs in the resultant dataset; only the first and second ASCs (ASC1 and ASC2) are used in the analysis.

If BWS questions include an opt-out option, the argument optout is set as TRUE; otherwise it is set as FALSE. The function bws3.response assumes that the opt-out option is the last alternative in each choice set and that all of the attribute and/or level variables associated with the opt-out option have a value of 0.


This function returns a data frame that contains synthesized responses to Case 3 BWS questions, in either a detailed or a simple format. The detailed format dataset contains the following variables, as well as independent variables according to the arguments categorical.attributes and/or continuous.attributes.


An identification number of artificial respondents.


A serial number of blocks in the choice sets.


A serial number of questions.


An alternative number treated as the best in the possible pairs of the best and worst alternatives.


An alternative number treated as the worst in the possible pairs of the best and worst alternatives.


A serial number of possible pairs of the best and worst alternatives for each question.


Responses to BWS questions, taking the value of 1 if a possible pair of the best and worst alternative is selected by the synthesized respondents and 0 otherwise.


A stratification variable used to identify each combination of respondent and question.

The simple format dataset contains the following variables.


An identification number of artificial respondents.


A serial number of blocks in the choice sets.


A variable describing the alternative number that is selected as the best in the ii-th BWS question. The serial number of questions is appended to the tail of the variable name (e.g., B1 for the first question, B2 for the second question, and B3 for the third question).


A variable describing the alternative number that is selected as the worst in the ii-th BWS question. The serial number of questions is appended to the tail of the variable name (e.g., W1 for the first question, W2 for the second question, and W3 for the third question).

The detailed format dataset includes a dependent variable and independent variables for the analysis, and thus is available for discrete choice analysis functions such as the function clogit in the survival package. On the other hand, the simple format dataset only contains variables that correspond to responses to BWS questions, as well as id and BLOCK variables. It must be converted using the function bws3.dataset in the package for the analysis. For details, see the Examples section.

See Also

support.BWS3-package,, clogit,, find.BIB


# The following lines of code synthesize responses to Case 3 BWS questions,
# return them in detailed and simple format, and then fit the models using
# the function clogit in the survival package. The choice sets include 
# three alternatives that are expressed by three attributes (A, B, and C)
# with three levels each. The function creates the choice sets
# from a three-level fractional factorial design with 3 factors that is
# generated using the function in the DoE.base package and a BIBD
# with 9 treatments, 12 blocks, and size 3 that is generated using
# the function find.BIB in the crossdes package. The systematic component
# of the utility for alternatives where all of the three attributes are
# treated as categorical attributes is the same as that explained in 
# the Details section.

## Not run: 
# Load packages

# Create design matrix
bibd <- find.BIB(trt = 9, b = 12, k = 3)
oa <- = c(3, 3, 3), randomize = FALSE)
atr <- list(
  A = c("A1", "A2", "A3"), B = c("B1", "B2", "B3"),
  C = c("C1", "C2", "C3"))
dsgn <- = bibd, ffd = oa, attribute.levels = atr)

# Synthesize responses to Case 3 BWS questions 
param <- c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0, 0.4, 0.8, 0, -0.7, -1.4)
atr.names <- c("A", "B", "C")
## dataset in detailed format
dat.detail <- bws3.response(
  design = dsgn, b = param, n = 100,
  categorical.attributes = atr.names,
  detail = TRUE, seed = 987)
## dataset in simple format
dat.simple <- bws3.response(
  design = dsgn, b = param, n = 100,
  categorical.attributes = atr.names,
  detail = FALSE, seed = 987)

# Convert dat.simple into dataset for the analysis <- bws3.dataset(
  data = dat.simple,
  response = list(
    c("B1", "W1"), c("B2", "W2"), c("B3", "W3"),
    c("B4", "W4"), c("B5", "W5"), c("B6", "W6"),
    c("B7", "W7"), c("B8", "W8"), c("B9", "W9"),
    c("B10", "W10"), c("B11", "W11"), c("B12", "W12")),
  choice.sets = dsgn,
  categorical.attributes = atr.names,
  model = "maxdiff")

# Fit conditional logit models
mf <- RES ~ A2 + A3 + B2 + B3 + C2 + C3  + strata(STR)
out.detail <- clogit(mf, dat.detail)
out.simple <- clogit(mf,
all.equal(coef(out.detail), coef(out.simple))

## End(Not run)

[Package support.BWS3 version 0.2-1 Index]