agritourism {support.BWS2} | R Documentation |
Potential tourists' valuation of agritourism
This dataset contains responses to Case 2 BWS questions. Respondents were asked to evaluate agritourism packages provided by dairy farms in Hokkaido, Japan.
A data frame with 240 respondents on the following 21 variables.
Identification number of respondents.
Item selected as the best in question 1.
Item selected as the worst in question 1.
Item selected as the best in question 2.
Item selected as the worst in question 2.
Item selected as the best in question 3.
Item selected as the worst in question 3.
Item selected as the best in question 4.
Item selected as the worst in question 4.
Item selected as the best in question 5.
Item selected as the worst in question 5.
Item selected as the best in question 6.
Item selected as the worst in question 6.
Item selected as the best in question 7.
Item selected as the worst in question 7.
Item selected as the best in question 8.
Item selected as the worst in question 8.
Item selected as the best in question 9.
Item selected as the worst in question 9.
Respondents' gender: 1 = male; 2 = female.
Respondents' age: 2 = 20s; 3 = 30s; 4 = 40s; 5 = 50s
See the section Examples for details.
Hideo Aizaki
See Also
## Not run:
# Agritourism refers to various activities offered by farms and ranches
# to visitors, such as hands-on farm work or outdoor recreation.
# In the Case 2 BWS questions, respondents were asked to evaluate
# agritourism packages provided by dairy farms (ranches) in Hokkaido, Japan.
# We assumed that the agritourism package consists of the following four
# types of activities, each with three activity items:
# 1. Hands-on ranch chores
# (1) Milking a cow
# (2) Feeding a cow
# (3) Nursing a calf
# 2. Hands-on food processing
# (1) Butter making
# (2) Ice-cream making
# (3) Creamy caramel making
# 3. Hands-on craft making
# (1) Making a product from wool
# (2) Making a product from wood
# (3) Making a product from pressed flowers
# 4. Outdoor activities
# (1) Horse riding
# (2) Tractor riding
# (3) Walking with cows
# As there are four activities and each activity has three items,
# a total of nine BWS questions were created using a three-level OMED
# with four columns. Each BWS question asked respondents to select
# the most and least interesting of the four activities shown
# in the question.
# In the following, we assume that the paired and marginal models with
# both attribute and attribute-level variables (Flynn et al. 2007; 2008)
# are fitted to the responses using the conditional logit model,
# with clogit() in the survival package.
# Load the package needed for the example:
options(digits = 4)
# The following OMED is generated using in the DoE.base package:
# require(DoE.base)
# des <- data.matrix(
# = c(3,3,3,3), randomize = FALSE))
des <- cbind(
c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3),
c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3),
c(1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3),
c(1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1))
# The names of the attributes (activities) and attribute levels
# (activity items) were stored in the list attr.lev:
attr.lev <- list(
chore = c("milking", "feeding", "nursing"),
food = c("butter", "ice", "caramel"),
craft = c("wool", "wood", "flower"),
outdoor = c("horse", "tractor", "cow"))
# A series of Case 2 BWS questions were converted from the OMED using
# bws2.questionnaire():
bws2.questionnaire(choice.sets = des, attribute.levels = attr.lev,
position = "left")
# The responses to the questions were stored in the dataset agritourism
# in the support.BWS2 package:
# The names of the response variables used in the dataset agritourism
# were stored in the vector response.vars:
response.vars <- colnames(agritourism)[2:19]
# The base level in each attribute was stored in the object base.lev
# in list format:
base.lev <- list(
chore = c("nursing"),
food = c("caramel"),
craft = c("flower"),
outdoor = c("cow"))
# The datasets for the paired model and the marginal model were created
# using bws2.dataset() and then stored in the objects pr.data1 and mr.data1,
# respectively:
pr.data1 <- bws2.dataset(
data = agritourism,
id = "id",
response = response.vars,
choice.sets = des,
attribute.levels = attr.lev,
reverse = TRUE,
base.level = base.lev,
model = "paired")
mr.data1 <- bws2.dataset(
data = agritourism,
id = "id",
response = response.vars,
choice.sets = des,
attribute.levels = attr.lev,
reverse = TRUE,
base.level = base.lev,
model = "marginal")
# The BWS scores were calculated using bws2.count() with the dataset for
# the marginal model:
scores <- bws2.count(mr.data1)
# The scores for each level were aggregated among all respondents using
# sum() and bar plots of the scores were drawn using barplot():
sum(scores, "level")
barplot(scores, "bw", "level")
# If we only need aggregated B and W scores, these can be calculated from
# the dataset for a paired model as follows:
apply(pr.data1[pr.data1$RES == 1, c("BEST.LV", "WORST.LV")], 2, table)
# BW scores can be calculated according to groups of respondents.
# For example, the scores for male and those for female are given as follows:
sum(scores[agritourism$gender == 1, ], "level")
sum(scores[agritourism$gender == 2, ], "level")
# Bar plots for respondents in their 20s and those in their 50s can also be
# drawn using the following lines of code:
barplot(scores[agritourism$age == 2, ], "bw", "level")
barplot(scores[agritourism$age == 5, ], "bw", "level")
# We fitted the conditional logit model to the Case 2 BWS responses
# on the basis of the paired and marginal models with both attribute
# and attribute-level variables. The systematic component of the utility
# function for the example is
# v = b1 chore + b2 food + b3 outdoor +
# b4 milking + b5 feeding + b6 butter + b7 ice +
# b8 wool + b9 wood + b10 horse + b11 tractor
# where chore, food, and outdoor are attribute variables (craft has been
# omitted); and milking, feeding, butter, ice, wool, wood, horse, and
# tractor are attribute-level variables (nursing has been omitted for chore,
# caramel has been omitted for food, flower has been omitted for craft,
# and cow has been omitted for outdoor); bs are coefficients to be estimated.
# The model formula for clogit(), corresponding to the systematic component
# mentioned above, is described as:
mf <- RES ~ chore + food + outdoor +
milking + feeding + butter + ice +
wool + wood + horse + tractor +
# We fitted the paired model using clogit() with the dataset pr.data1:
pr.out <- clogit(formula = mf, data = pr.data1)
# The attribute-level variables are effect-coded ones, and thus the
# coefficient of the base level in each attribute can be calculated using:
b <- coef(pr.out)
(nursing <- -sum(b[4:5]))
names(nursing) <- "nursing"
(caramel <- -sum(b[6:7]))
names(caramel) <- "caramel"
(flower <- -sum(b[8:9]))
names(flower) <- "flower"
(cow <- -sum(b[10:11]))
names(cow) <- "cow"
craft <- 0
names(craft) <- "craft"
paired.model <- c(b[1:2], craft, b[3], b[4:5], nursing, b[6:7],
caramel, b[8:9], flower, b[10:11], cow)
# The following code is for the marginal model:
mr.out <- clogit(formula = mf, data = mr.data1)
b <- coef(mr.out)
(nursing <- -sum(b[4:5]))
names(nursing) <- "nursing"
(caramel <- -sum(b[6:7]))
names(caramel) <- "caramel"
(flower <- -sum(b[8:9]))
names(flower) <- "flower"
(cow <- -sum(b[10:11]))
names(cow) <- "cow"
marginal.model <- c(b[1:2], craft, b[3], b[4:5], nursing, b[6:7],
caramel, b[8:9], flower, b[10:11], cow)
# As mentioned in Flynn et al. (2008), the results from the paired model
# are similar to those from the marginal model: the correlation coefficient
# for the two results is calculated as follows:
cor(marginal.model, paired.model)
plot(marginal.model, paired.model,
xlim = c(-0.5, 1), ylim = c(-0.5, 1))
## End(Not run)