superbPlot {superb}R Documentation

summary plot of any statistics with adjusted error bars.


The function suberbPlot() plots standard error or confidence interval for various descriptive statistics under various designs, sampling schemes, population size and purposes, according to the suberb framework. See (Cousineau et al. 2021) for more.


  BSFactors = NULL,
  WSFactors = NULL,
  WSDesign = "fullfactorial",
  factorOrder = NULL,
  statistic = "mean",
  errorbar = "CI",
  gamma = 0.95,
  adjustments = list(purpose = "single", popSize = Inf, decorrelation = "none",
    samplingDesign = "SRS"),
  showPlot = TRUE,
  plotStyle = "bar",
  preprocessfct = NULL,
  postprocessfct = NULL,
  clusterColumn = "",



Dataframe in wide format


The name of the columns containing the between-subject factor(s)


The name of the within-subject factor(s)


the within-subject design if not a full factorial design (default "fullfactorial")


Order of factors as shown in the graph (in that order: x axis, groups, horizontal panels, vertical panels)


The dependent variable(s) as strings


The summary statistic function to use as a string


The function that computes the error bar. Should be "CI" or "SE" or any function name if you defined a custom function. Default to "CI"


The coverage factor; necessary when errorbar == "CI". Default is 0.95.


List of adjustments as described below. Default is adjustments = list(purpose = "single", popSize = Inf, decorrelation = "none", samplingDesign = "SRS")


Defaults to TRUE. Set to FALSE if you want the output to be the summary statistics and intervals.


The type of object to plot on the graph. See full list below. Defaults to "bar".


is a transform (or vector of) to be performed first on data matrix of each group


is a transform (or vector of)


used in conjunction with samplingDesign = "CRS", indicates which column contains the cluster membership


In addition to the parameters above, superbPlot also accept a number of optional arguments that will be transmitted to the plotting function, such as pointParams (a list of ggplot2 parameters to input inside geoms; see ?geom_bar2) and errorbarParams (a list of ggplot2 parameters for geom_errorbar; see ?geom_errorbar)


The possible adjustements are the following

In version 0.97.5, the layouts for plots are the following:


a plot with the correct error bars or a table of those summary statistics. The plot is a ggplot2 object with can be modified with additional declarations.


Cousineau D (2019). “Correlation-adjusted standard errors and confidence intervals for within-subject designs: A simple multiplicative approach.” The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 15, 226 – 241. doi:10.20982/tqmp.15.3.p226.

Cousineau D, Goulet M, Harding B (2021). “Summary plots with adjusted error bars: The superb framework with an implementation in R.” Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4, 1–18. doi:10.1177/25152459211035109.

L. L, D. C (2023). “Analysis of proportions using arcsine transform with any experimental design.” Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1045436. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1045436.


# Basic example using a built-in dataframe as data. 
# By default, the mean is computed and the error bar are 95% confidence intervals
superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactors = c("dose", "supp"), 
  variables = "len") 

# Example changing the summary statistics to the median and
# the error bar to 80% confidence intervals
superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactors = c("dose", "supp"), 
  variables = "len", statistic = "median", errorbar = "CI", gamma = .80) 

# Example introducing adjustments for pairwise comparisons 
# and assuming that the whole population is limited to 200 persons
superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactors = c("dose", "supp"), 
  variables = "len",  
  adjustments = list( purpose = "difference", popSize = 200) )

# This example adds ggplot directives to the plot produced
superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactors = c("dose", "supp"), 
  variables = "len") + 
xlab("Dose") + ylab("Tooth Growth") +

# This example is based on repeated measures
options( = 'none') # shut down 'warnings' and 'design' interpretation messages

# Use the Orange example, but let's define shorter column names...
names(Orange) <- c("Tree","age","circ")
# ... and turn the data into a wide format using superbToWide:
Orange.wide <- superbToWide(Orange, id = "Tree", WSFactors = c("age"), variable = "circ") 

# This example contains 5 trees whose diameter (in mm) has been measured at various age (in days):

# Makes the plots first without decorrelation:
p1=superbPlot( Orange.wide, WSFactors = "age(7)",
  variables = c("circ_118","circ_484","circ_664","circ_1004","circ_1231","circ_1372","circ_1582"),
  adjustments = list(purpose = "difference", decorrelation = "none")
) + 
  xlab("Age level") + ylab("Trunk diameter (mm)") +
  coord_cartesian( ylim = c(0,250) ) + labs(title="''Standalone'' confidence intervals")
# ... and then with decorrelation (technique Correlation-adjusted CA):
p2=superbPlot( Orange.wide, WSFactors = "age(7)",
  variables = c("circ_118","circ_484","circ_664","circ_1004","circ_1231","circ_1372","circ_1582"),
  adjustments = list(purpose = "difference", decorrelation = "CA")
) + 
  xlab("Age level") + ylab("Trunk diameter (mm)") +
  coord_cartesian( ylim = c(0,250) ) + labs(title="Decorrelated confidence intervals")

[Package superb version 0.95.9 Index]