studentlife-package |
Tidy Handling and Navigation of the Student-Life Dataset |
add_block_labels |
add_block_labels |
download_studentlife |
download_studentlife |
get_EMA_questions |
get_EMA_questions |
get_schema |
get_schema |
get_table |
get_table |
is_dateless_SL_tibble |
is_dateless_SL_tibble |
is_dateonly_SL_tibble |
is_dateonly_SL_tibble |
is_interval_SL_tibble |
is_interval_SL_tibble |
is_reg_SL_tibble |
is_reg_SL_tibble |
is_SL_tibble |
is_SL_tibble |
is_timestamp_SL_tibble |
is_timestamp_SL_tibble |
load_SL_tibble |
load_SL_tibble |
PAM_categorise |
PAM_categorise |
regularise_time |
regularise_time |
response_hour_hist |
response_hour_hist |
SL_tables |
List of all the tables available in the StudentLife dataset. |
studentlife |
Tidy Handling and Navigation of the Student-Life Dataset |
vis_NAs |
vis_NAs |
vis_response_counts |
vis_response_counts |