USIncExp {strucchangeRcpp}R Documentation

Income and Expenditures in the US


Personal income and personal consumption expenditures in the US between January 1959 and February 2001 (seasonally adjusted at annual rates).




A multivariate monthly time series from 1959(1) to 2001(2) with variables


monthly personal income (in billion US dollars),


monthly personal consumption expenditures (in billion US Dollars).



A. Zeileis, F. Leisch, K. Hornik, C. Kleiber (2002), strucchange: An R Package for Testing for Structural Change in Linear Regression Models. Journal of Statistical Software 7(2), 1–38.


## These example are presented in the vignette distributed with this
## package, the code was generated by Stangle("strucchange-intro.Rnw")

### chunk number 1: data
plot(USIncExp, plot.type = "single", col = 1:2, ylab = "billion US$")
legend(1960, max(USIncExp), c("income", "expenditures"),
       lty = c(1,1), col = 1:2, bty = "n")

### chunk number 2: subset
USIncExp2 <- window(USIncExp, start = c(1985,12))

### chunk number 3: ecm-setup
coint.res <- residuals(lm(expenditure ~ income, data = USIncExp2))
coint.res <- lag(ts(coint.res, start = c(1985,12), freq = 12), k = -1)
USIncExp2 <- cbind(USIncExp2, diff(USIncExp2), coint.res)
USIncExp2 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986,1), end = c(2001,2))
colnames(USIncExp2) <- c("income", "expenditure", "diff.income",
                         "diff.expenditure", "coint.res")
ecm.model <- diff.expenditure ~ coint.res + diff.income

### chunk number 4: ts-used
plot(USIncExp2[,3:5], main = "")

### chunk number 5: efp
ocus <- efp(ecm.model, type="OLS-CUSUM", data=USIncExp2)
me <- efp(ecm.model, type="ME", data=USIncExp2, h=0.2)

### chunk number 6: efp-boundary
bound.ocus <- boundary(ocus, alpha=0.05)

### chunk number 7: OLS-CUSUM

### chunk number 8: efp-boundary2
plot(ocus, boundary = FALSE)
lines(bound.ocus, col = 4)
lines(-bound.ocus, col = 4)

### chunk number 9: ME-null
plot(me, functional = NULL)

### chunk number 10: efp-sctest

### chunk number 11: efp-sctest2
sctest(ecm.model, type="OLS-CUSUM", data=USIncExp2)

### chunk number 12: Fstats
fs <- Fstats(ecm.model, from = c(1990, 1), to = c(1999,6), data = USIncExp2)

### chunk number 13: Fstats-plot

### chunk number 14: pval-plot
plot(fs, pval=TRUE)

### chunk number 15: aveF-plot
plot(fs, aveF=TRUE)

### chunk number 16: Fstats-sctest
sctest(fs, type="expF")

### chunk number 17: Fstats-sctest2
sctest(ecm.model, type = "expF", from = 49, to = 162, data = USIncExp2)

### chunk number 18: mefp
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1), end = c(1989,12))
me.mefp <- mefp(ecm.model, type = "ME", data = USIncExp3, alpha = 0.05)

### chunk number 19: monitor1
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1), end = c(1990,12))
me.mefp <- monitor(me.mefp)

### chunk number 20: monitor2
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1))
me.mefp <- monitor(me.mefp)

### chunk number 21: monitor-plot

### chunk number 22: mefp2
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1), end = c(1989,12))
me.efp <- efp(ecm.model, type = "ME", data = USIncExp3, h = 0.5)
me.mefp <- mefp(me.efp, alpha=0.05)

### chunk number 23: monitor3
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1))
me.mefp <- monitor(me.mefp)

### chunk number 24: monitor-plot2

[Package strucchangeRcpp version 1.5-3-1.0.4 Index]