USIncExp {strucchange} | R Documentation |
Income and Expenditures in the US
Personal income and personal consumption expenditures in the US between January 1959 and February 2001 (seasonally adjusted at annual rates).
A multivariate monthly time series from 1959(1) to 2001(2) with variables
- income
monthly personal income (in billion US dollars),
- expenditure
monthly personal consumption expenditures (in billion US Dollars).
A. Zeileis, F. Leisch, K. Hornik, C. Kleiber (2002), strucchange: An R Package for Testing for Structural Change in Linear Regression Models. Journal of Statistical Software 7(2), 1–38.
## These example are presented in the vignette distributed with this
## package, the code was generated by Stangle("strucchange-intro.Rnw")
### chunk number 1: data
plot(USIncExp, plot.type = "single", col = 1:2, ylab = "billion US$")
legend(1960, max(USIncExp), c("income", "expenditures"),
lty = c(1,1), col = 1:2, bty = "n")
### chunk number 2: subset
USIncExp2 <- window(USIncExp, start = c(1985,12))
### chunk number 3: ecm-setup
coint.res <- residuals(lm(expenditure ~ income, data = USIncExp2))
coint.res <- lag(ts(coint.res, start = c(1985,12), freq = 12), k = -1)
USIncExp2 <- cbind(USIncExp2, diff(USIncExp2), coint.res)
USIncExp2 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986,1), end = c(2001,2))
colnames(USIncExp2) <- c("income", "expenditure", "diff.income",
"diff.expenditure", "coint.res")
ecm.model <- diff.expenditure ~ coint.res + diff.income
### chunk number 4: ts-used
plot(USIncExp2[,3:5], main = "")
### chunk number 5: efp
ocus <- efp(ecm.model, type="OLS-CUSUM", data=USIncExp2)
me <- efp(ecm.model, type="ME", data=USIncExp2, h=0.2)
### chunk number 6: efp-boundary
bound.ocus <- boundary(ocus, alpha=0.05)
### chunk number 7: OLS-CUSUM
### chunk number 8: efp-boundary2
plot(ocus, boundary = FALSE)
lines(bound.ocus, col = 4)
lines(-bound.ocus, col = 4)
### chunk number 9: ME-null
plot(me, functional = NULL)
### chunk number 10: efp-sctest
### chunk number 11: efp-sctest2
sctest(ecm.model, type="OLS-CUSUM", data=USIncExp2)
### chunk number 12: Fstats
fs <- Fstats(ecm.model, from = c(1990, 1), to = c(1999,6), data = USIncExp2)
### chunk number 13: Fstats-plot
### chunk number 14: pval-plot
plot(fs, pval=TRUE)
### chunk number 15: aveF-plot
plot(fs, aveF=TRUE)
### chunk number 16: Fstats-sctest
sctest(fs, type="expF")
### chunk number 17: Fstats-sctest2
sctest(ecm.model, type = "expF", from = 49, to = 162, data = USIncExp2)
### chunk number 18: mefp
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1), end = c(1989,12))
me.mefp <- mefp(ecm.model, type = "ME", data = USIncExp3, alpha = 0.05)
### chunk number 19: monitor1
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1), end = c(1990,12))
me.mefp <- monitor(me.mefp)
### chunk number 20: monitor2
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1))
me.mefp <- monitor(me.mefp)
### chunk number 21: monitor-plot
### chunk number 22: mefp2
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1), end = c(1989,12))
me.efp <- efp(ecm.model, type = "ME", data = USIncExp3, h = 0.5)
me.mefp <- mefp(me.efp, alpha=0.05)
### chunk number 23: monitor3
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1))
me.mefp <- monitor(me.mefp)
### chunk number 24: monitor-plot2
[Package strucchange version 1.5-3 Index]