Structured Trellis Displays Without Strips for Lattice Graphics

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Documentation for package ‘stripless’ version 1.0-3

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stripless-package Trellis Displays Without Strips For Lattice Graphics
check2lvl Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions
chkSpacings Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions
defaultStrucLegend Default legend function for 'strucplot' displays.
displayStruc Construct text For 'strucplot' legends.
makeSpacings Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions
make_2level_with_center Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions
panel.bars strucplot Panel Functions
plot.structured Methods for structured objects.
print.structured Methods for structured objects.
print.summary.structured Methods for structured objects.
stripless Trellis Displays Without Strips For Lattice Graphics
stripless-internal Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions
strucParseFormula Parse Trellis Formula for 'strucplot'
strucplot Structured Trellis Plots Structured Trellis Plots
strucplot.default Structured Trellis Plots
strucplot.formula Structured Trellis Plots
strucplot.list Structured Trellis Plots
strucplot.lm Structured Trellis Plots
strucplot.matrix Structured Trellis Plots
summary.structured Methods for structured objects.
xyLayout Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions
xyLayout.default Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions
xyLayout.list Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions
xyLayout.matrix Unexported Utility and xyLayout Functions