Dependency-Free String Operations

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Documentation for package ‘stringstatic’ version 0.1.2

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fixed Compare literal bytes in the string
regex Control regex matching behavior
str_c Join multiple strings into a single string
str_count Count the number of matches in a string
str_detect Detect the presence or absence of a pattern in a string
str_dup Duplicate and concatenate strings within a character vector
str_ends Detect the presence or absence of a pattern at the end of a string
str_extract Extract matching patterns from a string
str_extract_all Extract matching patterns from a string
str_length Compute the length of a string
str_match Extract matched groups from a string
str_pad Duplicate and concatenate strings within a character vector
str_remove Remove matched patterns in a string
str_remove_all Remove matched patterns in a string
str_replace Replace matched patterns in a string
str_replace_all Replace matched patterns in a string
str_replace_na Turn NA into "NA"
str_split Split up a string into pieces
str_split_fixed Split up a string into pieces
str_squish Remove whitespace
str_starts Detect the presence or absence of a pattern at the beginning of a string
str_subset Keep strings matching a pattern
str_trim Remove whitespace
str_which Find positions of strings matching a pattern
str_width Compute the width of a string