boston |
Boston Housing Data |
create_groups |
Create Groups for CV |
create_virtualenv |
Create 'Python' Virtual Environment |
cv |
Cross Validation |
cv.lm |
Cross Validation |
cv.mlm_stressor |
Cross Validation |
cv.reg_asym |
Cross Validation |
cv.reg_sine |
Cross Validation |
cv_cluster |
Spatial Cluster-Based Partitions for Cross-Validation |
cv_core |
Cross Validation Function |
data_gen_asym |
Data Generation Asymptotic |
data_gen_lm |
Data Generation for Linear Regression |
data_gen_sine |
Data Generation for Sinusoidal Regression |
dist_cent |
Distance to Center |
kappa_class |
Kappa function |
mlm_classification |
Fit Machine Learning Classification Models |
mlm_init |
Compare Machine Learning Models |
mlm_refit |
Refit Machine Learning Models |
mlm_regressor |
Fit Machine Learning Regressor Models |
predict |
Prediction Methods for Various Models |
predict.mlm_stressor |
Prediction Methods for Various Models |
predict.reg_asym |
Prediction Methods for Various Models |
predict.reg_sine |
Prediction Methods for Various Models |
python_avail |
Check if 'Python' is Available |
reg_asym |
Asymptotic Regression |
reg_sine |
Sinusoidal Regression |
rmse |
Root Mean Squarred Error (RMSE) |
score |
Score Function for Metrics |
score_classification |
Score Function for Binary Classification |
score_regression |
Score Function for Regression |
split_data_prob |
Create Train Index Set |
thinning |
Thinning Algorithm for Models with Predict Function |