Analytical Methods for Stream DAGs

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Documentation for package ‘streamDAG’ version 1.5

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A Arcs of a directed graph
A.mult Raise an adjacency matrix to some power
AIMS.node.coords Nodal coordinates for graphs in the AIMS project Obtain arc stream activity outcomes based on bounding nodes
assort Assortativity
avg.efficiency Local and global efficiency
bern.length Botter and Durighetto Bernoulli stream length
beta.posterior Posterior Beta and Inverse-beta summaries
biv.bern Bivariate Bernoulli Distribution
dc_arc_pres_abs Stream segment presence absence data for Dry Cr. Idaho
dc_lengths Lengths of Dry Creek stream (arc) segments
dc_node_pres_abs Stream node presence absence data for Dry Cr. Idaho
degree.dists Potential degree distributions Delete arcs based on presence absence data Delete nodes based on presence absence data
dinvbeta Inverse Beta Distribution
efficiency.matrix Local and global efficiency
gj_coords16 Coordinates of nodes at Gibson Jack Creek, Idaho for a 2016 survey
gj_lengths Lengths of Gibson Jack stream (arc) segments
gj_node_pres_abs Stream node presence absence data for Gibson Jack Idaho
gj_node_pres_abs16 Stream node presence absence data for Gibson Jack Cr. Idaho, for a 2016 survey
global.efficiency Local and global efficiency
global.summary Global Summary
harary Harary Index
I.D Generalized DAG indices
ICSL Integral connectivity scale length (ICSL)
imp.closeness Improved Closeness Centrality
isle Detects and defines islands in a streamDAG
jd_lengths Lengths of Johnson Draw stream (arc) segments
jd_lengths_full Lengths of Johnson Draw stream (arc) segments
jd_node_pres_abs Stream node presence absence data for Johnson Draw Idaho
kon_coords Coordinates of nodes in the Konza Praire dataset
kon_lengths Lengths of Murphy Cr. stream (arc) segments
local.summary local (nodal) summaries of a DAG
max_r Bounds for the correlation of two (or more) Benrnoulli random variables
min_r Bounds for the correlation of two (or more) Benrnoulli random variables
multi.path.visibility Path Visibilities
mur_arc_pres_abs Stream segment presence absence data for Murphy Cr. Idaho
mur_coords Coordinates of nodes at Murphy Ck. Idaho
mur_lengths Lengths of Murphy Cr. stream (arc) segments
mur_node_pres_abs Stream node presence absence data for Murphy Cr. Idaho
mur_seasons_arc_pa Simulated seasonal arc presence absence data for Murphy Cr
n.sources Identify source and sink nodes
n.tot.paths Shortest path lengths and number of paths
path.lengths.sink Path Lengths
path.visibility Path Visibilities
pinvbeta Inverse Beta Distribution
plot_degree.dist Plot degree distributions
R.bounds Bounds for the correlation of two (or more) Benrnoulli random variables
rinvbeta Inverse Beta Distribution
sink.G Strahler or Shreve stream order of a stream DAG Size of intact network that feeds into the sink or a particular node Size of intact network that feeds into the sink or a particular node
sources Identify source and sink nodes
spath.lengths Shortest path lengths and number of paths
spatial.plot Spatial plot of an igraph object or stream shapefile
spatial.plot.sf Spatial plot of an igraph object or stream shapefile
stream.order Strahler or Shreve stream order of a stream DAG
streamDAGs Stream DAG datasets
visibility Path Visibilities