Stratigraphic Tree Analysis for Palaeontology

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Documentation for package ‘strap’ version 1.6-0

Help Pages

strap-package Measuring Morphological Diversity and Evolutionary Tempo
Asaphidae Phylogeny and age data for the Asaphidae
DateNodeHedman Calculates branch lengths for a topology
DatePhylo Calculates branch lengths for a topology
DatePhyloHedman Calculates branch lengths for a topology
Dipnoi Phylogeny and age data for dipnoans (lungfish)
FindDescendants Finds the tip numbers descending from a specific node in a phylo object
geoscalePhylo Plots a phylogeny against the geological time scale
geoscalePhylo.mod Plots a phylogeny against the geological time scale
strap Measuring Morphological Diversity and Evolutionary Tempo
StratPhyloCongruence Calculates fit to stratigraphy metrics for a set of tree(s)
UKzones British regional stages for the Ordovician